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just wanted to let everyone know how my date went today... We went for lunch, he treated, and it was very nice.


We laughed, had a great time, and both seemed to click. His sense of humor so far is really attractive, and we seem to get along well. So, we'll see what happens next. Im very excited though, since it's nice to have a man who makes me laugh and I can be myself around.


I don't know how this happened, as I blocked my ex from my email, but an email from him got through. I must not have hit "ok" when I went to block it, so sure enough I get an email from him this morning after i didn't answer a text. he texd me saying, "you ok?" I didn't respond.


I get an email from him about an hour later saying,

"you must have moved on already, that was fast.... I haven't..."


He has the nerve to tell me I MOVED ON FAST, when he was on a dating sight not even a week after. Oh well, Im over it now. I made sure I blocked him this time!


Anyways, the date with this new guy went well, and I think I WILL make the next move, and ask him somwhere..

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I have begun dating a fantastic guy, and low-and-behold... my ex contacts me out of the blue when I haven't had him initiate contact in months. I just blocked him, and ignored the message. I paniced briefly, but then I just moved on. He's the past. Do you really need his BS any more?


"you must have moved on already, that was fast.... I haven't..."


He is trying to manipulate you, either subconsciously or consciously. I got the same kind of thing from my ex many months ago and I mistook it for signs he still had feelings for me. Of course he did! I am a great guy! But did he really care about my feelings? No - he didn't. If he did he wouldn't play that game and give me that kind of cr*p. He would be on my doorstep, in tears, bottle of wine in his hand, begging me for ten minutes to sit me down and tell me how much he loved me.


But the truth is, he doesn't love me. He doesn't respect me. And I don't think your ex does either. Thats why he is pulling this cr*p on you. Good luck with the guy you have been on a date with... your future is out there - don't let your past blind you from it.

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I'm so glad to hear you met a great guy! Me too! =)


You are right, it's just because he's trying to manipulate me, which he no longer can. I have made sure he is permanently blocked, and I spelled his email correctly. I mispelled it on the block list, thats how he was able to email me. Oops..


I had such a great time with the new guy, I've done so much hard work to move on, and I feel GREAT! NC works miracles, and it makes the ex you once put on a pedastle look so pathetic.


I hope things work out for you with the new guy! You deserve to be happy, and treated with love and respect. As you said, and as I am finding out, there is a much brighter future ahead.

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He would be on my doorstep, in tears, bottle of wine in his hand, begging me for ten minutes to sit me down and tell me how much he loved me.



Hey!! That's MY fantasy!!




To the original poster, regarding the email from ex: Please ignore this stupid statement, it's manipulation and cruel. Playing with your emotions like that, this would infuriate me to no end! Congrats on the date!



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Yes, I'm trying not to, because you know what, every time I had acknowledged him these past weeks, he has ended up ignoring me. Once he hears from me, he goes back online and looks for girls again. He really is sick!


Thanks everyone for the encouragement/posts. =)

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