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I used to think going to college was something I wanted to do. I wanted a degree in something, but I'm not so sure anymore. I love to learn. I have a natural inclination for language, but I cannot see myself spending thousands of dollars and hours to get a degree. Now that I hit the work force after high school, college isn't appealing. I like learning my job hands on, in the actual field of work. I just turned 20, and I make close to 40k a year, but I still want to learn. I want to learn other languages, but I can't leave the security of my job. I'm not talking about a degree or certificate in anything , I just want the knowledge. I want to travel places. Why am I feeling this way? I'm not even old enough to drink.

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College isn't about learning, so I would agree don't go just for this. The only reason I am going is to become an engineer. You really don't learn about engineering until after you get a job.


I think college has hindered my social development more than it has helped it, though in my final year things are starting to get better. I think the party environment of college is kinda immature and dumb, and paying thousands a year just to party is even dumber.


If college is not blocking you from meeting the career or financial goals you have, I would say don't go full time. There are so many other great places to learn: books, link removed, internet, travelling, your own community.

However, going part time may be a good option if learning is what you are really interested in. Take classes that interest you and keep your full time job.

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Actually you don't learned that much in college until you take grad. school, the school of your college. In college you're just there to take your requirements in order to get the career of your chose, just primary courses, just like in high school where you had to take your necessary courses in order to graduation and get your high school diploma, but did you sincerely learned anything?? Not really!!!!!!

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If you're not sure about college right now, then don't spend the money. College will be there when you're ready for it.


In the meantime, you can always take individual classes in things you're interested in. Check your local public school system (they often offer adult ed classes from exercise, to finance, to car repair, coooking, and more), ask at the public library-- they may be able to point you toward other places that offer special interest classes. If you want to sew (for example), ask at the fabric store.


That way, you're learning, keeping your brain active on something you're interested in, and while it might cost you some money to take these kinds of classes, it won't be anything like spending thousands on college.


Yes, a degree might be useful to you later. However, if you're not motivated to do college right now (for whatever reason) you're better off to wait until you WANT to be there. If it's the idea of not giving up your job to attend college, you can always go part time in the evenings and go about earning your degree that way.

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Sounds like college would not be the right place for you. It is mostly full of people who are just trying to 'get by' while partying, procrastinating, and not genuinely interested in anything else other than that. At least mine is. My gut is telling me that you would not fit into that environment very well (unless you also wanted to party a lot) seeing as how you want to learn and not just get a degree. You are a lot like me ... a wisdom seeker rather than a degree seeker.

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