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My one problem girls opinion wanted

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Im not a very shy person, and I dont have problems with meeting people. However I do have one thing that Im very self-conscious about- braces. Im 17 and still have braces on, it seems like they will never come off. And im at a point where I seriously believe that girls hesistate when with me because of the braces. Its hard for me to smile at a girl because Im afriad the first thing they'll notice is the braces. Ive been flirting with girls when they suddenly ask when Im getting my braces off. As if I dont already know its a red flag for, "youd look a lot better without braces" Which I know is a given, but what the **** am I supposed to do about it. Im not getting them off for a while, so Im wondering, girls, is it a big letdown when you see a guy with braces (highschoolers response needed). And how much of a negative is it. Thanks for replies in advance.

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Yeah, I dont really know. It just seems like my braces are singling me out when Im with a girl. I mean no ones perfect but it feels like this counts as 10 imperfections. Maybe its because lots of people already have them off, and I still dont....?



Thanks for the quick reply.

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They might just be making conversation, OP... Are you sure you aren't imagining things?


I don't mean to belittle your problem, next time a girl asks about your braces, give them a big 'ole smile and ask them what they think of them, then at least you'll know for sure.


And most people aren't so shallow as to simply stop talking to you due to braces, and if they are, screw 'em.

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IT has been quite a while since I was back in high school as well. What I remember though was that I do not recall any one ever being concerned over who did or didn't wear braces when it came to dating or liking someone.


My son dated a girl that had braces when he as in the 11th grade and from what I remember it did not matter to him. He liked her a lot and they dated for a long time, and the entire time she had her braces.

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I had braces as an adult and will probably have to get them again. Don't worry about it brother. When your teeth are straight and white, they will come runnin'.


BTW, when you get your retainer, DO NOT get in the habit of running your tongue accross the front of it (you know, the part with the spring wires that can catch your tongue)...

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You could try this pick-up line: "Hey Baybeh, you got your tetnus shot? *grin shinily*"


Yes, shinily is a word I just made up.


Braces are a part of you for now, no more different then hair colour, eye colour, skin tone (pale - dark), hobbies, religion, etc etc. Would you date a girl that hated your hobbies? doubtful (at least, not for very long). Some people don't like braces, but that is no reason for you to be ashamed of them.


Now, for more humour.


Girl - Oh, are those braces?

You - No, these are the tracks for the love train!


Girl - Are you wearing braces?

You - No, I ate my tuna sandwhich and forgot to take off the foil.


You - I'm into heavy-metal

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don't even worry about having braces. i had mine on for three years, and i still had just as many guys then as i did when i got them off. i guarantee you, especially if you're in high school, there are plenty of others out there with braces so you aren't alone! and when you have a gorgeous smile, it'll be worth it!

good luck!

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