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So I dated this girl for 9 months, we broke up about 3 years ago, and I still have extremely deep feelings for this girl... I'd pretty much give up anything to be with her.... I've dated other girls, had our fun, whatever you want to call it...


today I finally signed up for a myspace, and found her... and saw that she is now married with a kid...


I'm heartbroken, I don't want to do.... I've tried nc... didnt' work...


It hurts me that I still have extremely deep feelings for this girl... and that she could love and get married to someone other than me...


What do I do?

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I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time with this. Unfortunately, if she is married with a kid, there really isn't anything you can do as far as a romantic relationship with her goes. I definitely wouldn't recommend trying for friendship at this point either since you still believe you are in love with her.


Perhaps if it has been three years since you broke up, you are more attached to the memory of her because you just haven't found someone you feel as strongly for yet. It may not be that you are truly still in love with her although I know it feels that you are.


When you find yourself thinking of the past or of her, switch your thinking to the future and the amazing person that you will meet one of these days to make you forget all about your ex. There are billions upon billions of people in this world... do you really think she's the only one that could capture your heart?


As far as your pain over her loving and marrying someone else... it doesn't necessarily mean she is happy.. you never really know what another persons relationship is like. However if you really did love her, wish her the best. Whether she is or is not happy, this is not a situation you want to involve yourself in. It's time to let go so that you can see what wonderful things the future holds for you!


Good luck... and don't look at her myspace.. trust me, it will only make things worse. Whenever you feel tempted to look, post here instead.

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I broke up with my 4 months of bf 8 yrs ago. Took me 7 yrs finding another guy who I can truly love.(I've dated many guys in the meantime, but couldn't feel 'love' toward them.) After 3 yrs, we tried again but after three days we both knew that it wouldn't work.(We were not the same people we had been while we originally had been dating.)

Even if it takes long, it will eventually go away. I know, easier said than done. But I guess we just should keep our hope high. Time will heal.

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Hmm. oh the silly myspace. I have one too. and I'm in a similar position. not completely the same. because i don't know if my ex has another girl in his life. and i choose not to.


my advice to you is to keep away from myspace. even though its tempting to go and look. and look. and look. but still. just force yourself thru one day and the next day will be easier...etc.


Let's look at the situation this way. You obviously have strong feelings for this girl. and she has broken up with you and apparently moved on. Now...if you go and try to talk to her about it...etc....you can


a) talk to her and get really hurt because you realize that she still doesn't like you.


b) talk to her and find out how much she's in love with this other guy and get really hurt.


The two choices don't seem so good. if its someone she has potential to get married to, as you say, [though i may suggest] that some obsessive girls out there to declare "in a relationship" as "married"...either way, she has really strong feelings for this guy so you're prolly not gonna be able to get in the game.


These silly things like the season or an internet site or a restricted phone call or seeing couples everywhere we go...remind us of our loss and that's normal. but its always important to disassociate ourselves with these loss symptoms and move on.


Keep up the healing.



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