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Is it normal to feel like this??? :\

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I'm getting to the part of the breakup stage where I get angry at him... Honestly, and this feels like such a biaytch thing to say, but it makes me feel good if I know he's not having a good time!! He broke my heart and i've been so depressed these past few days and I keep going through stages where i'm so glad to be out of the relationship and then I start crying.


My friends have been SO great... from giving him death stares at school (lol) to just supporting me and giving me advice and telling me all about their breakups and stuff. But when I see him now, I have this urge to be angry at him... Its going to sound so immature but he gets annoyed so easily, and I just feel like grabbing his bag and putting it somewhere else (haha) to piss him off, or say what i've alway wanted to say to him in the relationship but couldnt because I have to be nice (those sunglasses look effing UGLY, dont wear that shirt, it does you no favours!!) I feel like having a {Censored by Moderator} at him (you have no personality, show no emotion, you're boring, i faked an orgasm every time and I dont know why i liked you!!) and telling initimate details about our relationship to everyone (he has a small penis and used to come before it even got in and masturbates 3 times a day!)


Of course, i'm not going to do any of this (allthough i've been so so tempted!!) But is it normal to feel like this, to go from being incredibly depressed to being angry at them for no reason (even though he dumped me he has been really nice about it) and want to hurt them and tell everyone embarrassing details about them? Whens it going to end, and gheez... what stage is gonna come next??

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You sound like me after my ex and I broke up. I wanted to do all of them things too, in fact I did show my friends and intimate picture, just to get back at him for showing his friends a picture of me. I shouldn't have done it but yes, you WILL feel like this. I sometimes still do lol.


But yeah, I agree with AntiLove_SuperStar, you'll become calmer next and accept that it's over.


Good luck trying to stop yourself doing the above lol!

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Ah okay, thats good.


Apparently the anger stage is the last stage of a break up... Phew, i'm glad this is about to end!!! I haven't cried at all thismorning... I woke up in the middle of the night AGAIN, last night (after a dream about him, grrr) and I didnt cry!! Yesss!!!


Unfortunatley, he's meant to be bringing my stuff to school today and I feel like if he's "forgotten" i'm going to chuck a huge sh!tflip at him and scream abuse about him and his monobrow and small dcik at him infront of the whole school. Except i'd rather him not remember me as a psycho. (Its just so hard to control myself right now!!) Aaaaarggh!!

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I had awful dreams about my ex all night last night again...where I'm chasing him! But yes, I'm finding that getting angry helps more than ANYTHING! When I woke up last night I actually made a LIST of all the crappy things he had done, and I made a note of all the undesirable qualities he has. When we were together, I was willing to overlook annoying things, but those days are OVER! So you're doing great...get pissed. Imagine the things about him that turn you off. My guy has this sexy long hair that attracted me, so I imagine him later on, balding...or with a shaved head...haha

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It * * * * innit, how can anyone make you feel so low?


This is my 3rd failed relationship and I have never felt like this before, why did the only guy I have ever loved cheat on me and treat me like * * * *?


I know it will get easier - infact its starting to now, but only cause he said he would stop contacting me, tonight he started again, and I am back to square one, it hurts. grrrr

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yeah, i'm in the anger stage myself. Last night I was so angry I tried to post about my feelings but I guess it wasn't appropriate. I have all these mixed emotions. Sometimes I want revenge for him cheating on me and still denying it to my face, other times I just cry because I'm so hurt. I'm hoping this will all pass soon. I'm doing nc, and that seems to be helping.

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Oh dear, I done something really stupid...


I asked him if he'd gotten my stuff last night and he said "uh, no, I couldnt find your socks and mum said the bellybutton ring was in the bathroom but sophie cleaned it up..." Pretty much, excuses!! I was like "You can keep the fcuking socks, and wear them around, I dont care (they're knee-high pink toe socks, lol) What about the CD?" And he was like oh, I forgot about that.. I just stormed off saying "WHATEVER!!" And then sent him a really angry text message, saying "just a reminder to BRING MY FCUKING STUFF b4 I start tellin people sh!t about you that you really dont want them knowing!!!" Oops.


You guys are so lucky you're able to do NC... I go to the same small school with him, and all of our friends are mutual. Arrr. =(

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