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my wife cheated with her ex husband..


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Infidelity is the one thing that can get me into 'rage' mode however, if I were you I would take a couple of days to ponder this andhave a long talk with her. I think you need to process this for a bit and question the heck out of her.


I would say that if only her beauty has kept you with her thus far, I would assume you have a very shallow marriage to begin with. First thing Monday morning I would schedule a DNA test and go from there.


Whatever choice you make, make sure it is truly what you want and not done is haste.

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if i'm the father i have no problem paying the support..i just want it to be a reasonable amount..not one of these horry stories of women haveing to have 500.00 to 1000.00 a week for a small kid to live on..what i thought would really be bad if we have the test and the kid is not mine or her ex-husbands..then we would really have a problem..but right now i don't think i would be in any more shock than i'm in now..



I am in Georgia also, and I believe they base it on your income. And are you wanting to divorce your wife? Or is this just anger talking. Sometimes people just make mistakes. I know its cheating and very bad. But people have stayed married, after worse things then this. So Honestly if you want to stay in the marriage, I would suggest marriage counseling. It helps alot of people.


Now as far as your daughter goes....thats good that you want to pay child support if you are the father. But just remember it takes a boy to make a baby, but it takes a MAN/daddy to raise one. Money isnt everything...


So good luck and keep us posted.

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do you love her????? if you love her why would you want to put her & the child through a test??? let by gones be by gones!!! do you believe she loves you & she is sorry???? what do you feel in your heart about the child????


if she is willing to seek counceling then she is probably devisated that she hurt you. imagine what she felt like keeping something like that bottled up inside all these years. i think alot of you asking people for advice, but now is the time to follow your heart!! good luck!! & put yourself in her shoes.

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we have really been talking about the whole situation..i believe she is being honest with me and she say's she will do what ever it takes to stay togather..even though it happened a long time ago and she has been faithful after that..it still hurts..i''m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and swollow my pride...even though i'm hurt now,..for right now i'll put off the paterity test, the kid needs a dad, if i can't live with it...we can do it later.. i don't believe i can hurt her or put her in a bad situation by getting a divorce.. now i sound like a push over..but i'm not perfect by far..i may regret my decision..but i have to give her a chance to work things out..remember..for better or worse..but i can't thank you all enough for all the support..i really needed it and all of you came through for me..i will keep all of you posted on our progress..and hopefully, we can over come this and be even stronger..

thanks again..!!

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good luck with your decision bash, i've been there & am still with the person i married. we are happier than ever. it will be hard to forget but it will get

easier everyday. when we would decide to talk about it i could see that it

hurt him so much that we eventually just put it behind us & when i think about it i just let him know how much i love him. don't let her forget that she

wanted to seek counciling within the church that will be good for both of you



good luck,


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