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Everything posted by bashlin

  1. if you respect your boyfriends feelings be completely honest with him and please tell him..i've just gone through a situation where my wife had an affair 6 years ago and just recently told me.. if you think you and him will continue this relationship don't keep any secrets, if you are just dateing and don't plan to take this any further, than i wouldn't worry about it..JMO..
  2. we have really been talking about the whole situation..i believe she is being honest with me and she say's she will do what ever it takes to stay togather..even though it happened a long time ago and she has been faithful after that..it still hurts..i''m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and swollow my pride...even though i'm hurt now,..for right now i'll put off the paterity test, the kid needs a dad, if i can't live with it...we can do it later.. i don't believe i can hurt her or put her in a bad situation by getting a divorce.. now i sound like a push over..but i'm not perfect by far..i may regret my decision..but i have to give her a chance to work things out..remember..for better or worse..but i can't thank you all enough for all the support..i really needed it and all of you came through for me..i will keep all of you posted on our progress..and hopefully, we can over come this and be even stronger.. thanks again..!!
  3. if i'm the father i have no problem paying the support..i just want it to be a reasonable amount..not one of these horry stories of women haveing to have 500.00 to 1000.00 a week for a small kid to live on..what i thought would really be bad if we have the test and the kid is not mine or her ex-husbands..then we would really have a problem..but right now i don't think i would be in any more shock than i'm in now..
  4. i'm in georgia..please do let me know of any divorce laws any of you may know..it may give me a heads up..but i would hate to not be able to divorce my wife due to a law that would punish me for something she did..isn't america beautiful..
  5. now that was the first time i've laughed since friday..and she says she still loves me..and we have had problems for about 2 weeks..mainly her not talking..but her dad died just 3 weeks ago and i assumed that was the problem..which him dying might of got her in a mentality to let out her secret..i don't know..and if the childs not mine..sure it would be different..i'm sure i'll still love it, but their is no way that i wouldn't feel different.. actually i think it would be better..like i said.., i make alot of money..she likes to spend alot of money..i know i could easilly find another women if we do split up..but like i said my wife is very beautiful..she's pretty much a 10..and it would be hard to find another women that looks as good as she does..but looks are not everything..and i believe what i would miss the most about her is just looking at her..she has never had the best personality but we've gotten along well enough..she went to church this morning and says she is gonna start going..she also planned a meeting with the preacher tues for us to go and talk with him..
  6. thanks..she didn't want me to tell anyone about this..posting on here really made me feel better inside..any and all that want to comment on this i will read your thoughts and listen to every word you have to say.. thanks so much..
  7. we are having a paternity test..the child is 4..like i said she got pregnant the same month this happened..i've already went back and added it up..this happened in march and the child was born in december..she says she wants to work things out..it's just hard for me to believe right now we can..and yes..she says the guilt has been killing her..whats so bad is i have a good job..make lots of money..and her ex is a high school drop out..they got married in her last year of school..stayed togather for about a year..he is also a drug addict and a sleeze..i just wish i knew why..??
  8. i really need some advice here from experienced members..i am feeling about as low as a man could..i'm 28 and always have been a strong person until now..here's what happened..i was mowing the lawn friday evening and my wife of 9 years came out and said she wanted to talk..i said ok..we sat on the tailgate of my truck and this is what she told me..about five years ago my ex husband was waiting for me at my car after work..we talked and he asked if i wanted to go to the store and get a drink..so she did..then they road awhile and he stopped on a old road to take a leak..when he got back in the truck they started to kiss and one thing lead to another..they had sex..she said she thinks he wore a condom but she's not sure..??..she said she was sorry and didn't know what she was doing..(i don't believe that part)..about that same time she got pregnat with our child..(now i don't know if it's mine.) and she has never said a word of this until now..she said she thought that she might of had feelings for him..but after that she knew she didn't..i've always knew something wasn't right in our relationship..but i just couldn't put my finger on it..i'm a very pridefull person and this hurts..i want to get a divorce but i don't want to rush..i just don't know if i can ever love her the same..she is very beautiful..but now when i look at her i want to vomit..my stomach hurts along with my heart..can someone please go over this situation and tell me what happened and why..and please give some advice on what to do.. thanks..
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