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love at first sight question?

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well before i started going out with my boyfriend we were aquatiences..

we just knew of each other but never made any attempts to see each other.

but when i first met him i would always say to myself i think this is the man i will be with forever and love.. and i always thought it was so weird telling that to myself when i dont even know this person && at the time i didnt even like him!!! but i always thought that he was the one for me.. a few years after thinking that to myself i saw him at a party and our eyes instantly connected and were together even since..

ALSO a very weird thing that happened to me when i first met him, a stanger told me im going to fall in love and marry someone i already know..

the the first person that came to mind was him even though we barely even talked before..

** that may sound so stange and far fetched but its all true thats why i believe were meant to be..

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