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me and my boyfriend have been together for almost a year now and are very close. I lost my virginity to him and we have had sex many times since then. He has worn a condom most of the times but we have had unprotected sex also and yes i know its not smart so please no lectures. I just find it more intimate. Well the last time we had sex was unprotected and it was on the 12th of June, and the time b4 that we also had unprotected sex on the 7th of June. My last period was on the 6th of May. And I havent had my period. I am extremely stressed about this and he is getting me a test soon. But, considering the type of person my mom is, even IF i was pregnant, I couldn't tell her. She doesn't know that I have sex, because when my sister told her when she was having sex, it was a bad idea and things went bad between them. I don't want that because my mom and I are very close and I tell her everything else. But, back to the topic, whenever we have unprotected sex (which we promised eachother that we arent going to do anymore because of this) he has always withdrawln in time and every time I watch and make sure, and he alwayz has to play with himself for a couple seconds so he does cum. I'm so worried though because of the precum. I know that you can get pregnant from it and I just found that out. I have looked into this a lot. I have sore breast and i urinate more frequently. Thats the only 2 signs I have. But, to be open, my boyfriend bites and plays with my breast a lot and they do get sore sometimes from that(in the past). But I am so stressed out, more than I've ever been in my entire life and I know that stress can have a major effect on my period. And I was wondering if you think there's a high chance I could be pregnant? also if stress could be delaying my period this much(a week and 3 days) considering how stressed out I am. PLEASE help anyone. and everyone.


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No lectures.


Have you ever been late before? Or are you like clock work? Do you go every four weeks or so? What about May because it seems more like you could get pregnant in May. Although you can get pregnant at anytime depending.


Stress and hormones definitely play a huge role. It could just be stress. I'll hope it's stress.


Do you live with your mom?


The best thing you can do is take a test. Depending where you live there are sometimes good clinics. But I think just get an at home test and see. Hopefully it's just a big scare! Wishing you well.

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Hi hun, can you get yourself to a clinic (one nearest to you) because no matter what you read or the advice that will be given you will still worry yourself and it might delay your period. If you can get yourself checked and make sure you aren't this will be btter for you.


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i was just wanting others opinions on it.. whether they think i am or not


I don't think that is going to help you. Because of your sexual practices (unprotected intercourse) you might be, you mightn't be.


Make sure your b/f gets the test tomorrow.

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How old are you & your boyfriend? Let us know the test results. I wish the best for both of you. You really need to get tested ASAP though. You can even go to your doctor's office to get it done. Just tell your mom you're feeling sick, and ask if you can get a drive there. Then get a pregnancy test. If you're over the age of 18 you can request that the doctors keep the info. confidential (they might be able to if u are under 18 as well), and they are bounded by LAW to only tell you. They can call your cell phone if you have one to tell you. Or you can go in personally and find out, tell your mom after the first appt. that the doctor requested you come in one more time to check up.


I have visited my doctor before for a pregnancy check, and just used a regular urine test. They can also tell by a needle I believe or something like that, that is a more advanced type of test, and needs to go into the lab to confirm..


Or just ask your mom to drive u to the nearest Shoppers/Walmart, you have to pick up some pads or something.


Either way, I'm sure you can do this. The trick is to stop thinking & just do it.

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reply to Lily---> i am only 15(16 july 5th ) and my boyfriend is 17

thank you for your reply


to everyone who has helped ThAnK yoU!


and yesterday night my boyfriend got off work for a few minutes and got me one and my best friend drove me to his work to go and get it, then she drove me back and I took the test.


i was really relieved and now comforted. i still havent had my period but i'm not so stressed out so it should come along soon.

my boyfriend called like 2 minutes after i finished the test because he was anxious. it had been getting to him too.

He was really happy to hear that i wasnt pregnant.

I went out that night with some friends and had a good time.

So things are great now and I'm not worried.

But, me and my boyfriend truly arent havent unprotected sex anymore.

It's just too much for us, being so young and all.

Its not smart and we know it and there's not going to be anymore of that.

But, once again. Thank you all.


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