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"When you tell someone your darkest secret,

You immediately become their slave,

For at any moment they can spill what they know.

Although it may seem like you can trust them,

There can be a time when that friend betrays you.

So be careful of what you think and of what you say

Because when your weakest moment comes,

That friend will always be there to listen to you.

And so you have no choice but to tell that friend

What has been distracting you lately.

Beware of such depressing times like these,

For when you tell someone your darkest secret,

You immediately become their slave."


--Written by yours truly

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Well, it's just that sometimes, you might tell your closest friend a secret and there are certain cases where that secret is spread around. You can never really trust someone. People earn your trust; it's not a priviledge. I'm not saying that everybody shouldn't trust people, but just to be aware that anything can happen.

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I didn't read it as negative than that. I think when you trust someone with information or deep feelings about yourself, you enter into an unescapable relationship. And sometimes we do that, it helps us get out of a hole.


The problem is coming back from that. How do you maintain an equal relationship when you've let yourself completely fall on another? It's difficult. And why did you collapse on another person? Sharing and supporting is one thing, but being held up by another person- it's unbalanced and it destroys relationships. That's to be wary of, just as much as the consequences of putting that weight on another.

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yeah, i was having that same debate the other day, someone didnt understand why sometimes you cant just trust straight away. maybe you do but dont outwardly state it, but i know that sometimes im a little curious of peoples complete intentions and it stops me getting close (through trust) straight away.... and then theres times when it just feels right.

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Actually, I didn't write the poems because of the feelings I had on trust. It was just something I saw in people. Well, now I don't remember why I wrote that poem anyway.


But I don't collapse on others. Of course there are times when I do, but if anything, I keep things to myself and I know it's bad. My problem is I find it hard to really trust people about deep issues. I don't think anyone has ever betrayed me (secrets-wise). Besides, I'm the type of friend who's always there for people, no matter what. And people have been telling me lately that I deserve to be happy, too.


So yeah, I don't think I'm afraid of people betraying me. I'm just afraid they won't accept me (not that I'm a bad person or anything). thereforeeee, that poem isn't my true feelings. It's how I viewed them from a third-person stand point.

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