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Anyone sometimes think they'll die alone?

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Dying "alone" means different things to different people. From my point of view, dying "alone" would mean that there would be no one on the entire planet that would mourn the loss of your passing. And surely, almost everyone has a family that has an unconditional love for one another, even if it doesn't seem apparent on the outside.


And I haven't really thought about death yet. I'm only 19, and have a long jouney ahead of me.

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As I get older, I think about it and worry about it. My health isn't always that great esp with my asthma and spinal problems. That is one reason I got involved in my situation with my best friend. I am so afraid of being alone at the end (dying alone). My mom is starting to urge me to settle down, find a guy, and have kids (grandkids for her) so that I am not alone when I die, that I have my "kids" with me.


I think a lot of people have kids and all that because they dont want to be alone when they grow old and they dont want to die alone or have no one to care for them in their old age.

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I would -much- rather die alone than die in front of someone else. Not only is it the -ultimate- display of weakness, but more importantly, it's extremely hard for other people, especially those that you love- to see you die.

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Why would you think any less of a person because you saw them die? I don't think it really displays any kind of weakness as we all have to experience it one day... it's terminal and can't be avoided.


So what do you think about WW1 and WW2 where soldiers in the fighting line saw their fellow mates die, slowly? They died with great respect and dignity. Also in the eyes of their mates, things were a lot different in those days with 'mateship'.

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Once I thought about it(about two weeks ago), and I had a panic attack.


But, I think that was the best thing that happened to me. Because It made me reevaluate my priorities.


I would like to end up with somebody, but if I end up living alone I know it won't be the worst thing, and I know it won't kill me...


But I would love to share my life with someone...That is just human nature. If I don't I am going to make sure to have lots of dogs and cats.

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Hey Kev, I think there is something to 'touch hunger'. I really notice when I haven't been getting enough touch in my life: my mood goes down, I feel worse, I physically crave it. There's even that famous study about babies raised in an orphanage. All their needs were provided for, except it was done very mechanically and the nurses/women caring for them were cold and did not show affection. The children did not develop properly!


A lot of these thoughts you are having will probably disappear with some practical therapy of the touching and intimacy kind (not necessarily sex even).


I've got so many stories about it. But you know what you need. Reach out to someone, bud. It helps, I promise.


It's true, I know. Children and babies (especially) grow up to be maladjusted as adults when deprived of love and warmth, namely touch. It's sad but true, but most adults (whether they want to admit their human frailties or not) would also suffer from this as well. I'm a very moody person... perhaps this has something to do with it. For instance, a couple days ago, I was in THE most foul mood. This probably has something to do with it...


But at the same time, reaching out to people doesn't seem to help. I've done it before. It's not that I'm rejected necessarily, but it just isn't the same as what I'm looking for.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I shouldn't be too concerned with dying all alone at this stage of the game. In several more years, it should become a more prevalent concern to me, I'd say.


I never know what will happen in the future. Although it is also true that it is a definite possibility that I will die alone; it is not an absolute certainty. So there's no need to jump to such ridiculous conclusions yet.

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