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Why didn't he wave back?

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Is this typical of shy guys? I know this guy was looking at me from and when I turned and caught him we just looked at each other so I smiled and waved and he just didn't respond like like he didn't see but i'mpretty sure he was looking at me, so than I quickly turned away so as not to look foolish...this happened twice with the same guy..Ithink he is shy b/c when I talk to him close up he always looks down at the floor but i know he is totally aware of my presense...

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that has happened to me a few times, a girl would say hi to me and i would respond back and say hi, then she would imitate my voice and say "hii" in a teasing fashion , after that if a girl would say hi to me or wave or whatever it would take a while for me to find out what to say and by the time im done tryna find out what to do or say she ends up walking out of site, i dont know maybe this guy is insecure and doesnt know what to do at the moment

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Yea, it could be he's just shy and doesn't know how to act due to his insecurity. Then again, it can also be he's ignoring you. Ever thought of actually iniciating a convo with him or introducing yourself to him when you get to see him again, then right away you'll notice whether he's shy or not. Shy people tend to look down on thye floor, I have done this back then on several occasions.

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he probly didn't wave back because he probly thought u were waving to someone behind him or sumthing...thats wut i thought wen the guy i had a huge thing for first waved to me ..then he started waving every day and i waved back so my advice to u...wave to him every day lol...


[edited by mod for unrelated content]

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