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I tried making conversation today with a pretty girl...

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Well so happens i had a dentist apointment today at 10 am, so i went...say down at the waiting area, then all of a sudden this pretty girl walks in, i notice she stares at me a couple times, but im still not sure if she wants to talk to me, interested or jus stared cuz i was there.. i tried making eye contact with her, but only lasted a mere 2 seconds and i looked away..doh!, then all of a sudden she comes and sits near me like 2 or 3 seats away, and im jus there trying to act kool..finding out what to say to her..so inside i tell myself jus talk to the girl who cares no1 else is around " so i did the first things that slipped outta my mouth were "these appointments take long dont they " then she jus looked at me and said " o yeah " then there was silence for a while..then i asked her how she was, and she said she was fine..then i dont know what happened but i jus freezed up and dindt know what else to say, cuz the girl dindt even smile when she looKed at me so i kina felt like she wasnt interested or having any fun in the short convo...i jus wana know what could have i done to make the convo better, and how can i get rid of these anxieties, and nervousness around pretty girls ??? i need help....

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I know what you mean. I've been in those kind of situations before. You just have to relax, stop making little things a big deal (overanalyzing "signs"), and just talk to her like you would a friend. Perhaps you should have introduced yourself, and then used her name a couple times in conversation.


So many times have I regetted not speaking up. Like today-- I went to the local health club/gym and worked out. I noticed these two cute college girls on the other side of the gym on the treadmill looking my way a couple times. I didn't think anything of it, so I just ignored it. Now, if they had gotten a lot closer and smiled and looked right into my eyes in that flirty way, then I would have started chatting. I didn't care about talking to them, so it didn't matter in this case.


However, in other situations simliar to that, I just did it without thinking about the outcome. And if you get rejected in one way or the other, there could be many reasons behind it... so don't take everything personally.


Above all, just remember that girls are just like you and I -- human. Everyone has their insecurities, too... so no one's perfect.


Good luck!

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Congradulations! You DID talk to her. It could have been worst, suppose you didn't say anything at all, then how would you feel? Take baby steps. Stay at the level that you are comfortable with. You did a good job today - you said how are you? she said fine.


Next time when she says she is fine - you can do a few things:

- ask why she is fine? (sounds retarded - but it is a flirty move)

If she looks puzzled, tell her, everybody seems to be saying the same thing nowadays, it's the most clichee'd response, you mean to say, you are not EXCITED to be seeing the dentist? I sure am.

- tell her, you know she looks fine, but you want to know how she is doing?


Again, an interested girl has to contribute her 50%, if she doesnt' laugh back or attempt to reciprocate, then you tried. You just have to play a bit with some of the most clichee responses - and make her look unoriginal for saying it to tease her.

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Dont worry too much about it. You took a step today and you spoke to this pretty girl out of the blue. Their will be another, and you will speka a little more.


The fear or intimidation you feel when approaching a total stramger, and in this case a pretty woman, will probably never go away fully, but you will learn to be more comfortable with it as you practice talking to new women.


It takes practice.


The fear of being rejected is a strong role that plays out in this scenario.

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I don't think you did too shabby. You noticed she was hot, you looked for positive body language indicators, then you initiated a conversation. In your short convo, you established common ground by referring to the location and got her to agree with you. Next time, take that momentum and say just a few more words. Again, paying attention to her body langauge and reaction to see if she's open to a conversation or not. I might even throw an off-the-wall comment and tell her that you're there to get fitted for dentures or that you're getting your teeth filed to look like a vampire. I have thrown off-the-wall comments before and they can work.


Once you have a short convo going, introduce yourself and get her name. I wouldn't go for the kill by getting her number right there but if signs were good then I might.


That wasn't bad though, you did well.

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These are lyrics to a song from Prozaak's CD album, Saturday people, and it was a second song. This may not be helpful advise, but these are cool lyrics to think about whenever you are feeling nervous around a pretty girl.


Memorise them -- some good off the wall comments in the beginning of the lyrics, dealing with dental stuff.

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That girl gets hit on all the time...


...all that guy did was act like every other guy who has got 2 chances;none and none (slims not even an option.)...


...when you get to the point where you don't even notice her then you'll have what it takes...

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well thnx for all the good advice, there some good useful stuff i can use next time i get into a situation like that...but i wish i could have faster reflexes and not get stuck at the moment of a conversation, its like when someone punches you, you automatically block and counter attack

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