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Life's Existential Questions

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This is something i have been thinking alot about lately and i was hoping to get as many different opinions as possible on the subject from people with a wide range of backgrounds.


What is your ideas on the point of life?

What do you think our purpose is here?

How do you lead a fulfilling and happy life despite all the painful things that can happen in your life?

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What is your ideas on the point of life?

What do you think our purpose is here?

How do you lead a fulfilling and happy life despite all the painful things that can happen in your life?


don't know - all i know is that i'm here, and i should make the most of the time i have. whatever the purpose, all i know for sure is that i am here, and i can feel, and think and express myself, and i can impact upon others' lives, just as they can impact upon mine.


And i think that the way to deal with pain is to let it hurt you, and then let it to help you grow, instead of pretending its not there, and allowing it to consume you from within.


just my thoughts

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I LOVE questions like this. I read this post, and I was like, SWEET, I gotta answer this one.


Here it is... The answer to life, the universe, everything is.... 42.


NO, no, no, just kidding.


But kidding is good. Kidding is fun. Laughing is good. Fun is good. Being Happy. That's my answer. THAT is our purpose. To live happy, fulfilling lives. To BE HAPPY.


Wow, it's so SIMPLE! But truly, it is what everyone deserves. To BE HAPPY.


Forget evolution, that says our whole meaning of existence here was just some huge cosmic accident, and our sole purpose is procreation. Forget religion, that says we're all here to worship and serve some all-powerful-yet-insecure mighty being. I think people dwell too much on the why and the how we're here rather than actually enjoy their lives.


I agree with patch. Don't let whatever pain you might be going through consume you, and run your life. Cause that sucks. And it gets you absolutely nowhere. If you've been through rough stuff, you talk to your friends about it, and try and make life better for yourself.


So, you have to be happy. And if you can't be happy, you have to try and be happy. And, if you absolutely cannot possibly ever in your whole life ever, ever, ever, BE happy, then make other people happy. 'Cuz, that'll make you happy too!


Here's a joke:

How do we live our life despite all the crappy things that may have happened to us in the course of our lives?


Pfffft... The same way everyone else does.


Oh, my god, I was totally just reminded of that suck-a** joke that Halle Berry told in X-men as Storm... ick.

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These questions HEAVILY depend on personality.


For some people, like Mr. Donald Trump, their purpose in life is to make money. They're money hungry, money making machines.


For us ordinary people, I think for the majority of us, our purpose in life is to be happy. To be our best, to do our best, and to surround ourselves with people who help to enrich our lives.


My purpose, prior to being jaded, I've always felt this dire need to make a difference in peoples' lives, since I've been through a lot of crap as a child. I've been through more than you could imagine, so I understand people on all levels, except for the selfish, vain, evil, mallicious, vindicitive types of people (can't stand them).


All in all, your purpose in life has a lot to do with your personality, what drives you, the things that motivate you. It's like a fuel of passion that creates that spark in your life when times are tough and you feel as though things seem bleak and neverending. That is your purpose in life- the things that make you most passionate in life despite adversity..

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I don't think we can ever know the answers to those questions. But I think you can live a happy and fulfilling life by always moving forward and not letting yourself be ruled by your fear.


Here it is... The answer to life, the universe, everything is.... 42.

Every once in a while, I'll actually consider writing that down as an answer on one of my exams. But I never quite work up the guts to do it.

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Ok. I'll try to say this short and sweet.


*There is no point to life

*Human beings have a need to create purpose and to make sense of nothing and everything

*We choose our own purpose, or not. Life seems to be better if you have at least one reason to get up in the morning.

*Pain and suffering is a part of life. Accept it (easier said than done) and keep going.


No magic answers. Just do what you can while you are here, and try to enjoy yourself.

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Life, to me, is about molding yourself through all of your experiences (good and bad) to create the product that is you. It's about discovery. There are plenty of painful things that can happen to you, but ignoring it is a deceptively hard battle to conquer in the human condition. Focusing on the positive will get you further than if you let the negativity of your life knock you down. Life is about finding happiness... and everyone finds it in different forms. Some through solitude, some through bonding with others. Soak up everything like a sponge, because you only live once. Start talking less to others and start listening more to what they have to say.

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