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question on touch

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lets say you know someone who you are not too close to like an acquaintance, neighbour, co worker etc and you know that this person was interested in you but you weren't interested in the same way. lets also say that this person was always trying to touch you in intimate regions either by tickling or by other means. would you

a) let this person continue doing so? or

b) tell the person some how that you dont want them touching you in that way?

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Your intimate regions?! Like what kind of intimate regions!?


I would tell them to stop it immediately. If it is at work, I would be going to my higher ups to report sexual harrasment, and if they did not stop whomever they were I would be getting a restraining order or something against them.

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I agree with the other posts. If this is something that you are comfortable with and you are not interested in them in that way, by all means tell them to stop or that you will have to take other actions to put a stop to it.


Even if it were some one you were interested in, they still have no rights to touch you in intimate or private places unless you allow and want it.

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Technically, I have a residual attraction for anyone, and for the sake of argument because I'm interested in every person, as long as it's the opposite sex, and since it's a perpetual novelty. I have been touched before by people who were married and I'd have no interest in and enjoyed it.


Just politely tell this person not to touch you and he probably will not.


People want to feel connected with people, that's why they touch. This lawsuit thing or complaining for harassment is rather harsh, you wouldn't shoot a dog that came up to you and licked you - so I think those reactions are similar to that.

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