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i haven't seen my bf for over three months

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hi, i'm in a long distance relationship and i won't go see my boyfriend because i feel that i have gained to much weight. i gained 20lbs in the last two months. i have been dieting and exvercising but i can't seem to loose the weight. i have made up a million excuse not to go and see him and i think my excuses are running short and i'm probably going to end up loosing him. it some way i would rather loose him then let him see me fat. i know it probaly shouldn'r bother me so much but it does. he thought i was overweight when i met him and i only wighed 140 lbs. i feel like crap and i feel quite unattractive and i know i don't feel good about myself at all. i hate feeling like this though and i miss him alot.

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i dont really think anyone stays the same weight for ever.. ecpecially if your under alot of stress..

it would be best to talk to him about it.. if he loves you it wont bother him everyone changes..

you have to talk to him about b.c he might get the wrong idea of your excuses

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If your boyfriend is a loving an caring guy, he loves you for you. He isn't in love with you because of your body.


If he does break up with you over this, then he's just a shallow jerk. You might as well find that out sooner than later because chances are, if you marry him one day, you will gain weight just from getting older or from having a baby.


If he can't accept you now, you should find someone who can. But you will never know if you don't even give him a chance to love you despite how much you weigh..

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I'm with maggie18 on this one ... if he can't accept you for how you look, even if you have gained weight, then he's not the guy for you. If he's said "I only date women who are under 150 lbs and/or are under a size 10." Dump him immediately. But sounds like he's not mentioned this to you.


If he loves you, he'll be ok with it because he's hopefully not with you because of your body. I have probably gained some weight since I saw my boyfriend last and lost I think a little, but he loves me for me and not totally how I look and I weigh more than you


Don't stress over it. I hope you're going to the gym for yourself and NOT because you think your boyfriend won't like the way you look. I started working out because I felt gross and that I should start working out to get some more energy, NOT because my boyfriend felt I should.


Just keep working out and go see your boyfriend. He'll be happy to see you, seriously.

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Exactly. If this relationship is solid and he's a decent guy, he will love you no matter what.


Although it would definitely be a blow to your ego if he did break up with you, this is a good test to see what he's all about before getting in deeper into the relationship...


And BTW, did he say you were overweight when you first met him? If so, what a jerk!

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Agree with previous posters, talk to him, manage your cravings and excercise!


This may be good news for you: Cinnamon increases blood sugar metabolism by increasing insulin sensitivity and thus helps burn fat. Half a tea spoon of cinnamon per day will help.


You can google for cinnamon blood sugar

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