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Latley I feel very claustrophoebic and stuck in where I'm at in my life. I love my job, my friends, my family... but for some reason my life just seems empty. I do the same old thing day in and day out, working all day and partying on the weekends... I don't know if it's just me or what, but I just feel like I'm stuck where I'm at. I don't see how or when I'll be able to move forward an on with my life to bigger and better things... I don't really have anything to look forward to, and I'm just really feeling kind of down. I want to have more meaning in my life, and I want to make something of myself, but I just don't know how...

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i completely understand how you feel.. i felt like that when i went to school full time and worked a part time job i did the sammmeee exact thing everyweek. i didnt even have time to go out with my friends..

i would try breaking up your week and mixing it up a little bit and maybe do differnt things on the weekend..

im not sure what you do on your weekends besides partying but you'd be surprised how much you can do..

ive started working out recently at a gym and it made me feel so much better and alive even if its just a hour..

try and get more hobbies for the weekends if you dont want to work out..

or even get a few friends and plan a little trip.

just a few ideas

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I am taking a trip in two weeks, but the thing is, I shouldn't have to take a vacation just to feel good about my life. I did that before, about two months ago. A bf broke up with me and I flew away to California to just have a vacation and forget about the whole thing... well it worked for the 9 days I was there, but when I came back I was just as empt as before. I have things that I really want to do, I want to go rock climbing, I want to learn how to play the guitar, I want to learn to ride horses,I want to do so many things but money is such an issue right now. I live on my own and make just enough to pay the bills and everything I want or desire to learn how to do costs money! It's a never ending circle that I'm stuck in.

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What are your future career plans?

What are your life goals?

I would focus on those future plans and goals or at least focus on working your way up towards those goals.

Focus on the next step you need to take, whether it be 1 week down the road or 1 month or 1 year down the road! Focus on working towards completing that next step, and so forth.

I have been through depression and I just got out of a long abusive relationship. I have NO friends and finally acquired a job after being jobless since Christmas, thereforeeee having nothing to think about except my abusive ex and feeling sorry for myself. All I did was exercise a lot, tried to keep my mind occupied as much as possible and focused on my life goals of one day opening up my own no kill animal sanctuary for horses, dogs and cats. Meanwhile, I have been active in animal advocacy and activism online by signing petitions, writing letters and passing the word on to others for these helpless animals! I check up on high kill animal shelters and try to spread the word for the animals who are on their last days before they are euthanized simply because there isn't enough room for them in the shelter. Anyways.....whatever you want to do for a career or whatever your life goals are....you can work towards them little by little right now in your everyday life! Good luck!

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I am doing what I want to be doing for the rest of my life in a sense. I'm an administrative assistant. I've been doing it for the past 3 years but just started at a new job and just now starting to get the hang of it and learn the ropes... maybe thats why I'm so down, becuase I'm used to being needed at my job, and here I haven't gotten to learn a whole lot yet so it's hard to be of much help... the training sucks here and it's mostly on the job learning... they don't give me too much to do, hence the reason I'm online all day, lol. But one day I would love to be an administrative assistant or a secretary for a big corporation... I'm going to school now (accept I took the summer off) for administrative assistance but it's hard to do when I am forced to work full time to be able to pay all of my bills!

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ive gone on trips to make me feel better. some times you just need to get away.

their are alot of things you can do with out spending alot of money..

i like to go to borders books and just walk around, mingle and check out some books.

i like to start projects, like go to the crafts store and browse and think of ideas to start..


do you keep a journal???

you should really start!! if your having a bad day write it down, if you have something thats bothing you write it down and get it out.

its a way to release emotions

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