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What To Buy Her - (Prefer suggestions from girls:)

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I'm gonna explain the whole situation ..

There's this girl, that I've had feelings for, for quite some time now. But I do not wish to pursue these feelings, due to the fact that she has a boyfriend. What I feel about this is .. As long as she is happy, I'm happy too. But still .. I'm in love with her, and wish to get to know her better. And we have discussed all of this, and agreed to get to know each other better, as friends.

We aren't really that close. You see .. We're classmates, and have never spent much time together outside of school. But there is nothing in the world that I would like better, then to get to know her better, and have a closer friendship with her ..


Also .. Her boyfriend and her have been having some issues about her male friends. Seeing it that I'm one of these male friends (somehow a 'problem' to her boyfriend) - I have decided to reject her invitation to attend her birthdayparty.. I don't want to cause trouble between them. But; I feel that I have to get her something nice, instead of my presance Something that says 'friendship'!


So.. With her birthday coming; this weekend actually.. WHAT should I get for her? What says "I want our friendship to grow" the best?


Anything you might think of would help me out, seeing it that I'm clueless at this time ..



I got this cute little card that I'm gonna write some well-chosen words on; but I don't know what to get, to attatch the card to!

If you don't have any spesific ideas, just give me a tip, and I'll work something out from what she is into .. Like 'clothes', 'necklases', whatever.. - And should I get her flowers, or would that be to 'weird'?

Anyway .. Keyword FRIENDSHIP

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Thats a good idea..

Uhm, still .. I'm just thinking. Me and her boyfriend aren't getting along to good; and if she ever put up a picture of me and her together; they would end up fighting, and I don't want to cause her harm..

But still .. A really good idea; if only the situation would have been a bit different! Thanks! .. keep 'em comin'!

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well if her boyfriend trusts her it shouldn't be a problem. i mean if they fight often cuz he doesn't trust her that can't be good and maybe you should tell him or her that you would not have any intentions of making a move on her or anything as long as they are still going out you respect her to much

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Well .. They fight because of, not only me, but the fact that she has male friends that he doesn't know. A bit childish, I know!


I did talk to her about it.. And I said that I didn't want to be a reason for them fighting. But I'm not the only reason for them having that same fight, so it hasn't helped much. But that's not really of the issue here. I just said that I can't do much about it .. It's for them to sort out, and I would only make things worse by interfering.

I haven't talked to her boyfriend about thir situation, because I'm positive that talking to him would definetly not improve the way things are..


Anyways .. Giftsuggestions!

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A birthday gift for a Special friend, But this Friend has a Boyfriend...Humm interesting question,


Iv 'e given it much thought, about what you said. that Your not attending this PARTY. Why? She invited you there F**K her boyfriend and what he thinks. He sounds controlling and demanding, i can't stand people like that. Dude..! Your in Really Really Good shape here. What i mean is By her having a Party, She wants you to come over. Forget what her b/f Thinks about her having MALE friends. I bet she can't stand that, and maybe wants to END it with this current b/f for that reason. Hell i know i would if i were in her shoes, Although you did say your NOT close friends like what do you mean by that, you have her number. you hang out ALOFT>? to the point she is around you more than her B/f...? Go along with this invitation, if you don't you might crush her by not showing up, and make her think different about who her true friends are. that would be a bad thing for you. I would Show, BUT....Make it a Total Surprise, you see where i'm going with this? Nooo not you in the birthday cake, and you Jump out and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY. (it's a thought) but might scare the Sh4t out of her. lmao.. I would Show up at her door step, with a card in hand. and a REALLY REALLY big Box...With a Really Really BIG ribbon..LOL trust me it shows humor (girls dig that) have a cheesy looking smile on your face. and when she answers the door just say happy birthday, This is For you. and hand her the REALLY big box.


Now i bet your wondering what is in this Really Big BOX....well alot of packing peanuts..and on the bottom something simple but thoughtful, A picture of you 2 was a good idea by mirror gj* and then you said "it might make her and the boyfriend fight..." well that just sucks for him. doesn't it, You can't Buy her something that is going to say "i love you" or "i just want to be friends" so go in between those feelings. get her something from the heart, be creative. Make it something she will go


(deep breath) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it..one of those Fiber-optic things are neat..you know the one's that have all different colors going threw them..maybe if you look hard enough you can find one that says happy-Birthday..lol Yea Sure..! I'm not sure thow man, i wish i could help...but i don't know her, or what she likes...animals is a start...go with something like that, You'll do fine my friend trust me.

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Hi I know you have decided not to go to her birthday party but I think you should pop around for 5 or 10 minutes just so she knows that you were thinking about her. Anyway as a gift maybe a little trinket like a small china/hard rock material animal. As I girl I like getting jewelery that has my initial on it just the first letter, like a pendant or something. Also a really nice diary could be a good idea. These are just a few suggestions if i think of anything else Ill let you know.

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hi andrew,


why not go to the party. i guess there will be other male friends around, so, don't worry. Does she like books? Maybe there is a bookstore where you live which has signed copies for sale? That is always sth special. Or maybe a nice book about friendship, with some nice words you write into (damn, can't remember the english noun for that, but i think you can guess what i mean)

if you need to know which kind of book she might like (or i think she might like), pm me.

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Yes! You should DEFINATLY go to the party!!!


Now, if you get her jewelry then she will wear it(lol) and that will make her b/f CRAZY jealous!! So if you TRULY dont want to cause any trouble..dont get her jewelry! But i would, you cant your life afraid to stand up to get what you want!! So get in there and show that gurl you want to get to know her more than friends!! I mean you have to make the desiosion up to HER not up too you or her boyfriend! So let her no that ur game to...and its not JUST her boyfriend that wants her!

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Well .. I don't want to harm their relationship. I don't witsh for them to break up, or to be a reason for their fighting. I don't want that hanging over me, even though her boyfriend is a complete asshole! (no wonder why he end up in fights) ..



So; Thanks to all of you for good tips on what to buy her, and ehm, what to do as well ..

I'm going to buy her something tomorrow. Don't know what it's gonna be jet, but I'm sure I'll find something nice!


And .. I'm still thinking of going to the party tomorrow, but I don't really know. I might just go up there for a few minutes, and give her the gift. Who knows?

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Okay people..


I bought a book about friendship. I went to this nice store, and looked through a lot of books, and finally found one that I thought was nice.

So I bought it, and thought to myself that I had bough a nice gift for her, and that she would love it. BUT .. When I looked at it more closely, and read some more of it .. Ofcourse, it was all a bunch of sh!t. Most of it didn't even involve friendship! I got played! ..

So I threw it away, and bought a DVD with all her favorite artists performing live. She would have loved that one, but after I bought it I called a friend of hers, to make sure that the girl has a DVD-player. Which ofcourse whe doesn't! So I think to myself .. I don't want to throw away another gift, and spend more money on a new one.. thereforeeee I go back to the store to get a refund.. But no, they didn't allow that; don't ask me why.

So again, I go to another store; en end up buying a CD (feat. the same people from the DVD)..

Then, when I am on my way up to her house.. Go figure, my car breaks down! I end up taking a cab the rest of the way, showing up at the doorstep with oil and stuff on my fingers; "happy birthday!"

So I gave her a hug (a big one, making her boyfriend jealous and her gift, before having to run back to my car, because a friend was waiting to tow it home!

When I got home a while later, I called her to check on how the party had been .. and she was a bit upset. So I asked her 'what's wrong?' - and she tells me that someone at the party had stolen all the gifts she had gotten, plus emptied out the fridge! How perfect is that?

Now I only wonder what I could have done differently to improve our friendship .. Bought her something else; been at the party; not made her boyfriend jealous; made boyfriend more jealous; found the thief and kicked his butt around; simply kick her boyfriends butt around a bit instead (improving anything? ehm.. nice thought though stayed away completely.. feeeew, I've got to get some sleep!

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