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Irregular periods (happened twice this year)

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Hi all. I have a question about periods for the ladies here. Around this time last year, my period was late. I had had regular cycles for years and years (I was only irregular for the first couple years of having my period) so it was unusual for me. I freaked out and took a bunch of pregnancy tests. They all came back negative and my period started again 3 weeks late. My cycle remained normal for the rest of the year. This month, however, almost exactly a year later, my period was late again. I took a pregnancy test just to rule it out (I was pretty sure I wasn't because I haven't had unprotected sex, but I figured it was worth it to rule it out for sure). It came up negative. My period actually started later that day.


My question is: has anyone here experienced something similar where they have regular periods consistently for years and years and then have an irregular period? What do you think caused it? I'm going to ask my gynocologist when I next see her but I was just curious about if anyone has experieced the same thing. I don't think i was particularly stressed out either time, but I did have the flu earlier this month. Anyway, please share if you know what might cause this kind of irregularity. Thanks!

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I've only been having regular periods for a few years, but I've noticed that it's usually irregular when my diet is off (i.e., diet change, not enough nutrition) or when I don't get enough exercise. I'm not sure if these are actual correlations or if there are other factors that I haven't noticed, but those are the reasons I usually assume cause my irregular periods.

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The flu can cause it, any illness can, as your body may choose not to ovulate. It does not want to get pregnant when your health is jeopardized. When you don't ovulate, your cycle will be thrown off as your body won't be using the usual hormonal signals to shed the lining of your uterus.


Aside from illness, tons of things can affect your cycle. Stress, pressure changes (ie moving from sea level to mountain ranges), change in diet, living with new females, increase or decrease in exercise, increase or decrease in weight and so on!

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