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OK I'm really inexperienced with kissing and stuff, and I had my first boyfriend about 5 months ago, and he was my first kiss, and I didn't even kiss him that much because it only lasted a few weeks, but when we did kiss it was fine, nothing went wrong, the kisses were really good!


Then my second boyfriend..... he is also just as experienced as my first one, if not more, LOADS of girlfriends etc. BUT, when we french kissed it was SO EMBARRASING. Our teeth kept clashing, and then when we did it again the same thing, and I thought okay when I kiss him again that wont happen BUT IT DID!!!!! I've either lost my touch or my first boyfriend was just a REALLY good kisser. How can I make this stop!??! aghhh what makes a good french kiss anyway? It did get a bit monotonous too at times. What can I do to make it good?! I'm really embarrased. I feel like the worst kisser EVER!

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Sometimes straight making-out can be really boring if you're both not "in the zone" if you know what I mean.


Sometimes it's nice to stop, just sit next to eachother, maybe touch eachother, talk a little, kiss a little, watch TV, whatever.

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I think of a good kiss as a kiss in which the kissing styles of both people mesh well. So in my opinion it's not about you and him being good or bad kissers. It's about cueing in to signals, responding to them, him matching your rythm and you matching his, etc ...


Next time you're kissing, try going slowly and paying attention to how he moves, what he seems to really enjoy. If your teeth are clashing the two of you must be at least moving your heads quite a bit, no? Try keeping your head still. I also don't know if this is french kissing we're talking about (although since your teeth are clashing I would guess yes), so you could try scaling it back to just lips, and then take it from there.


Either way first kisses are often awkward! It should get better!

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Don't worry, it does get better! My first kisses with both my boyfriends (not at the same time!!!) were awful, teeth clashing...saliva running everywhere, out of rhythm... but with both of them I just worked out what I wanted and then kinda got forceful and kissed him how I wanted. It showed them what I wanted and then my current boyfriend then started doing some other thing and we took it from there.


Stop thinking too much about it, you could try taking it a bit slower and then going back to french kissing once your more confident. Thinking about it just makes you lose concentration.

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Try to be less forceful, go slower, tilt your head more, move your mouth to different positions, and just more practice with him all could help with this teeth-clashing problem.


As for more interesting kisses, start off with small kisses, then build up so their really passionate (but that doesn't always mean fast). You don't have to start off with frenching right from the beginning. Do something different with your tongue. Eat a piece of candy beforehand or chew on some of your favorite gum, so that your mouth is really sweet. That's always fun. Lick his lips (but not around his mouth, avoid slobbering! lol). Hand position is another thing. Putting your hands on his neck, running your fingers through his hair, holding his back, his waist, his hips, holding his face in both your hands, etc. can also make it more interesting.


Have fun.

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It is my opinion that the perfect mood sets the perfect kiss. It sounds like you are both eager- and that is why you are clashing teeth. I agree with previous comments... try tilting your head in different ways. You shouldn't be bored already with kissing this guy. If you are, there might be less chemistry between you two than you had originally thought. Either that, or you are both really nervous. Try to relax and start by giving sweet kisses on the cheek and neck. Be playful. When kissing his lips, I would start with your mouth closed. Then slowly work some of your tongue into his mouth, lightly touching his tongue. Make it so that just the tips of your tongues are touching and then progress beyond that slowly if you can without your teeth touching.


Sometimes the shape of people's mouths just doesn't work... it could be that too.

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