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What the dif between Anxiety, Panic or Nervous breakdown?

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I don't know if I'm having a nervous break down, panic attacks or anxiety or am just stressed. I've tried to research all of the above but am getting very confused.


Here's what is happening....


...I walk into a very messy room - the kids' room, and start to feel like I can't breathe. I feel overwhelmed and start to feel heavy chested.


My 4 year old daughter got into my nail polish and in trying to paint her toe nails, it ended up all over the kitchen floor. I broke down in tears - I don't cry!! How ridiculous. I started to breathe erradically and was having a hard time focusing.


I felt right then and there I was going to walk out the door and never come back. I have a feeling if my husband wasn't there I would have. As soon as he felt I was ok enuff and left the room - I felt like I would bolt.


I calmed myself down and I feel better now but what is that? Panic, anxiety, a nervous break down, all of the above or merely hormones??!??



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Well first off, there is no such thing as a nervous break down. That is an old fashioned term that really didn't mean anything specific other than you kind of went off the mental deep end. Nowadays they get more specific.


Sounds to me like you are experiencing an anxiety disorder (panic would be part of that). Have you talked to your doctor about it?

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I would say that what you are experiencing is very common. It seems that all of these disorders are brought on by stress or a chemical imbalance in the brain. I say that you should not get worried about it and just keep tabs on how you are feeling. Panic attacks and anxiety are very normal. Sometimes they just happen, but other times they are triggered by stressful events. I would keep tabs on things and see how it goes. I went about ten years very tense and high strung. After my divorse, I realized I suffered from anxiety. I got on Paxil and it sucked for the first three weeks, but I am still on it and I am very relaxed. I am on such a low dose that it probably does not matter, but I am relaxed and it does not change my personality. It just helps with the stress. Feel free to write me and I will share my experiences.



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It also sounds from some of your other posts that maybe you need a break from the kids. Have you had a sitter lately and took a girlfriend to the mall or out to eat w/o any kids?


Have you have a vacation w/o the kids? maybe takes a few days to go relax with something you enjoy and get a 'spa day'!!!

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I was going to suggest something completely wrong but after reading everyone elses advice... I think you should go with what they're saying. Finding some ways to relieve stress (which I imagine comes in very large quantities for someone trying to raise young children and look after the house) and perhaps seeing a professional about it, partiularly because of it's severity since it's affecting your breathing.

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Thanks - yeh - I've sort of decided to make an appointment. Haven't picked up the phone yet, but I've made the decision.


I do get out and away from the kids, my husband is great about that. But it doesn't seem to be helping, at all.


Thanks orcb - I am very nervous about medication, which my husband thinks I may need, so it's nice to hear that not all are personality altering....


I think I just need to do it. I really don't know why I'm so scared to just go and talk to someone.

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