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On my previous posts, I have stated some issues i am having with my guy.....and I've been thinking about it. Is it possible that it's me that is the problem??? Maybe he's annoyed because I don't do my own thing. I think he worries that he disappoints me a lot, since he is a homebody.....he does not always want to sleep together....except, he will hang out and spend time with me during the day. I wonder how he cannot want to hold me every night. I think I am a typical girl. I want to make it work with him....is there any advice you all have that could push me in more of my own direction. I feel like part of the problem is my lack of independence. Ideas??? I want to spend the rest of my life with this guy....what can we do to stop the pattern of fighting....goes something like this....

Me: Do you want to do something later

Him: Uhhh, maybe, babe, we'll see

(I start turning away from him in the car)

Him: Oh jeez babe, come on, I hate when you do that, you always need so much from me....(He's saying it in a joking manner)

Me: Whatever. (I start tearing up)

Him: Oh my god....your so sensitive...why do you put a black cloud over everything

Me: Because you don't handle the problems..you act like it's always me...it's not, and I dont appreciate you joking about me needing you all the time...


Somehow we get over it....but it seems like we have that same fight every time....is this me being to sensitive...or him being insensitive. I think I want for him to comfort me and tell me how much he loves me...etc...but he does not like someone to tell him he has to say it....what is a happy medium...I want this to work...any advice...sorry this post is so scattered...I'm a litle hungover.

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Yeah i would start finding some hobbies some friends outside your relationship. Being to dependent on your man can destroy your relationship. Read the book Feel The Fear And Do IT ANyway It will give you a good idea on what can happen if you center your life around a relationship.



be well,


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hang out wtih friends, spend some alone time, go to the gym, spend some time wtih family, most importantly spend some time WITHOUT him. you need it. and to him, it probably seems liek you dont have much of a life without him. do yourself a favour, and him, and go out and have some fun without him. itll do both of you and your relationship good. once he sees that you are confident, independent and have your own goals and things in your life that dont include him, i think hell want to hang out with you more. confidence is attractive.

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