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Ugghhh.... somedays you feel like you are on top of the world and that you are moving along and in an instant that feeling can be gone. You wake up in the morning with that sick feeling in your stomach and from that moment on you miss them so much it brings tears to your eyes. All day it seems that the world is against you. A song comes on the radio, you find a random e-mail you overlooked and thought you had erased, you see a picture you forgot was there, someone drives by in the same type of car, the stupid guy at the store has his same name and to top it all off a friend calls and asks how you and "so and so" are doing. I HATE days like this.


On days like this I wish that there was no such thing as the internet or cell phones to tempt you to call, text, send an e-mail or look at someones profile on a site. NC is hard enough but when you can virtually have some kind of contact everyday it is a struggle to keep yourself from doing it.


Anyway....that is my take on the bad days.

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its totaly normal to have bad days. its been 4 months since my breakup and 1 and a half months of nc, but yesterday i woke up pissed about the situation. i didn't think i would make it threw the day but low and behold today is a new day and i feel great! my point is just work threw the bad ones and there will deffnetly be better one around the corner!

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that post spoke straight to my soul. I feel the same way. The...terrible stomach feeling. and i often times feel like everyone is just not on my side. I cant do anyhting right. Dont want to watch tv, can barely eat, cant look at anything or do anything without being reminded of that person. Its just, a haunting torture. Lingering pain. I jsut dont know what to do about it all.

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and sleep is the only relief you get.


EXACTLY my thoughts. Thats the only time where i feel as if i'm safe from the pain. other than that, anyhting i do, i hurt. Once i laugh and begin having a good time, i forget temporarily. But as soon as the room gets silent or i get somewhere secluded, alone....theres that constant thought again, back to kick my * * *.

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I feel for you..going through the same thing. Though I have trouble going to sleep. Though thanks to sleep aids, I am able to fall asleep. But I don't want to have to rely on that you know..gosh its hard.


I can't even turn on the radio...not even at work, I'll just start bawling if I hear a song that would remind me of him.


Though I'm trying to keep myself busy...and its been only a week. Thanks to my friends and family, and ENA I have the support I need. We'll all get through this...we have to.

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Yea I know! Every day I see a car that looks exactly like his and it just makes me upset all over again. And of course I have to stare at it and I'm sure the driver is wondering why I have this bewildered look on my face. Ugh, why couldn't he drive a car that I don't see everyday. Like a Ferrari Enzo

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