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Why do nice guys finish last? Y should i stay nice

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You know its the way things go, you might be the most perfect guy for a girl, you might really like them, hell they might even really like you. But it is the way things just go. All girls say they want a guy who is there for them, good look, and things like that. But when you really get down to it they always go for the bad guys. So yes you could change who you are but that just woudnt be respecting yourself. if they like you, they like you for the GOOD GUY that you are. Try taking them out on a date, if everythings goes well they will say "oh i had a great time, lets do this again" or somthing along that line. so for the next few days ignore them, so this way as what you call being the bad guy, your being mean to them by not phoning her. and if she reallys like you like she said, and does want to go out again. Because its the laws of Women to always go for the bad guys, she will phone you. Then you set another one up. IT is really meast up why girls do that but its true. GIRLS WILL ALWAYS GO FOR THE BAD GUY. So ya play the bad guy once in a while, but dont go changing yourself just to get the girl. BE YOURSELF.

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They don't.


Jesus said that I would be the head and not the tail. The first and not the last. I am a nice guy and I am blessed to the limit. In fact, God is just blessing my socks off right now!


You need to change your definitions and your viewpoint--climb another mountain!


Be yourself and don't worry about what others think.

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Nice guys don't always finish last. I'm telling you as a girl that some girls think that there is no such thing as a nice guy, they think it is just some kind of facade that guys do so that you will fall for them and ultimately sleep with them. But others keep a look out for guys like you but think that you will never go for them. I think it's an issue of doubt. People doubt that there is someone decent out there for them.

Don't become someone that you aren't especially if you will end up being a jerk and hurting people's feelings in the process...

Like the last guy said "climb another mountain"

wish you the best

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No, thats not true-


Some girls just go out with bad boys just to show off . theyre really not happy. inside they know that they want someone who really cares about them and will do anyting 4 them(ive talked to some). The bad boy b/f trick is just for show. Besides, they end up getting into trouble later, and thats a whole different story

anyway if you stay a good guy, the right girls will be attracted to you, and youll find more girls that really appreciate you. she may come along right away, or maybe months or even yeras, but once you find her it will be all worth it . i know miss perfect will show up someday!


hope this helps

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  • 2 months later...

I really understand what you mean about nice guys who finish last, because i feel like i am one of those people whoare are nice but get nothin for but trust me all those people who act like jerks and get what they want are only getting temporary happiness trust me. As long as you try your hardest to be a good person and look out for others and try to be a good person you will surely be rewarded all you need to be is patient and try not to let others put you down. I have been eeling sad for a long time but i still try to be a good person, doing this can make you feel sorta good and helps raises your self esteem . dont worry I'm sure things will become better for you. I hope you settle your problemssoon. any time you wanna talk jus send me a private message.





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Not everyone likes to go out with guys who

are "ahem" assholes. I would love to go out

with a guy like U it's hard to find nice guys these

days most guys I know and get involved with

are just plain controlling,doesn't give a sh*t guys and

frankly i've had enough of it. PLEASE don't change

i'm sure you will find the right girl just be patient it's

a virtue





I have found little that is good about human beings. In my experience most of them, on the whole, are trash.- Sigmund Freud

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sometimes it does take the nice guys the longest to get a girl, because during the earlier adolencent years rebellion is a subconscious sometimes conscious lust for teens...the bad boy looks appealing but once a girl experiences and realizes what little a bad boy can do good for her, she will (most hopefully) come to realize that a good guy is what she needs.


SO sometimes it just means hanging in a few years, but you can do it.


And what if the best prize is for those who wait? Why settle for less for now when you can get the best later?


it's always best to look at it that way

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Everyone is confusing a major point here. While most women say they don't want a jerk they end up dating them? Why is that? Perhaps it's because jerks have a way of making them feel "attracted" to them. A nice guy comes accross as shy, timid, and generally uninteresting.


Another point to elaborate on here is that women want a "challenge", and jerks provide that challenge. You ever notice how a 'jerk' will say things like, "you aren't good enough", etc, etc? That creates a challenge in a women's mind and thus makes the guy seem more appealing.


But who's to say you can't present yourself as a challenge to a woman without being a jerk? Instead of conveying to the woman, "you aren't good enough" as a jerk would, convey the message to her that, "i'm am a very cool person and i'm choosing to spend time with you". A nice guy tends to shower the women with gifts and affection...and that just doesn't get it done...sorry. Despite anything a woman will tell you, they all find this behaviour unappealing and go back to the so-called "jerks".





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  • 4 weeks later...

i like to consider myself as a nice guy, i agree with wisdom gained, all you have to do is wait, i had sort of told myself that i was going ot go through life being lonely and miserable, but, fate has proved me wrong (again), i am going out with one of the most beautiful women, in my view that is, i have ever known, she is beautiful on the outside, and beautiful on the inside, remember looks arent always skin deep, they sometimes reach the heart too, just give it time, and be confident, its what i lacked, but its what i have now due to my g/f, time and patience is all it takes.

Good luck mate.

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But who's to say you can't present yourself as a challenge to a woman without being a jerk? Instead of conveying to the woman, "you aren't good enough" as a jerk would, convey the message to her that, "i'm am a very cool person and i'm choosing to spend time with you".


In that case, why am I trying to find a girlfriend? I don't want to be a part of this stupid idea of a challenge. How about someone who shares some interests and wants to do things together and then once in a while provide reassurance and affection? Or simply whatever they both want in the relationship? Isn't that a good idea?


A nice guy tends to shower the women with gifts and affection...and that just doesn't get it done...sorry


I pretty much agree...unless that's how they both want the relationship to be like. That is what a relationship is: it's about two people liking (or even loving) each other for who they are and what they want. But wait, I've never been in a relationship...so how would I know that? (I honestly don't know.)

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