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Is my Girlfriend maturing? please read

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Ok me and my gf have been 2gether for about a year and 3 months, I am 18 she is 16. My gf is not very affectionate. But over the past week she has become VERY affectionate, like just doing more stuff with me and stuff. When i graduated this past sunday, She gave me the biggest hug iv probley ever gotten from her..and the rest of the day was the same. So do you think my gf is maturing...Because shes not very mature lol..


OH and the other night,we are watching tv and this commercial came on about HIV..her head was laying on my chest and she looks up 2 me and asks//"you dont have HIV do you lol" Im like...no.. then she says like well good cuz i dont want it...was she trying to say she wants to take are relationship to the next step..we have not had sex yet.

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first of all she is prolly realizing that since your graduated that your prolly going to be gone more and she won't see you as much....i know it has gotten to me with my b/f we both graduated and we are kinda both going in two different directions and we are gonna try and stick together through it all. your g/f may be maturing in some ways yes.


second with the sex thing. my thought on it is that since you think that she is still immature that you should wait until she full out talks to you about it. not hinting and not you bringing it up. she is only 16 and you can get in a lot of trouble if you aren't both careful. so i say just wait until she full out asks you. the HIV thing was prolly jus a whole comfert thing that she knows she is gonna be with you until that time whether it is tomorrow or another year or so from now.

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I don't know the laws in the US and I think it varies from state to state but in the UK the legal age of consent is 16. If it's true where you live, she may have been holding back until her 16th birthday or it could be that she was waiting until she was ready and can me more affectionate now she is.


I'd check your state laws to be on the safe side.

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I'd check your state laws to be on the safe side.

deskjeti, i did get the impression from your post that she seems to be growing up some. but here in California she would have to be 18, so make sure you know the legal age in your area to keep you out of trouble.

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dont look into it. i really don't think it was a hint. That is something even I would say, but i wouldn' tmean 'i wanna have sex with out.' i think she was just talking and joking around. If you want a hint about 'the next step' see what happens when the two of you are together and kiss. Even if she's nervous and never done anything with a guy, she'll let you know when she wants more.

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littlepinkpunk speaks the truth, I think. It doesn't really sound like a hint. You can try joking about the subject and see how she reacts or what she says if you want to try and figure out where she stands on the idea.


The age of consent in Maine is 16, so you shouldn't worry about the legal aspects. It's also good to hear her parents have said they're okay with it. Best of luck with your relationship.

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