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"Accidental touching" flirting sign

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I read that guys use the "accidental touch" as a common flirting signal. What does this mean and what kind of excuses do you use to touch a girl? How do you go about using this little trick? Also, how would agirl know that this is being flirty or if it really isn't an "accident? Thank you!!!!

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Well this might happen in a crowded bar, you won't see that in an 'ordinairy' situation , because the last thing a guy wants is a woman to scream ' OMG pervert get away from me' (handbag hits the face of guy 'ouch')


so you only use it in a crowded place and you know its not an accident if its in the 'outgoing area' or places where people date and meet eachother.

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In a nutshell and very generally speaking if a guy "claps you on the back" or punches you (gently) on the arm it is because he has temporary forgotten you are a woman. Or he doesn't know what he's doing.

However, if he does something like pick some lint off your shirt or moves an errant hair from your forhead then he likes you and is flirting. He is flirting and testing you for flinching or your reaction. If you like then react with a thank you and a winning smile.

The average guy who isn't interested doesn't even notice things like lint or hair out of place. Unless he is gay and in the vein of those " * * * * * eye for the straight guy"" fellows who probably would notice lint and would do something about it.


These are massive generalizations but in my experience they are true 97% of the time. Your percentages my vary.

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Both men and women use "accidental touching" as a conscious and unconscious flirting behavior. Most people can determine how far away or close someone is they're with. Perhaps in an extremely crowded place (such as in a room that is far beyond capacity) , incidental contact will occur but on a date where there is plenty of room then this "accidental touching" is flirtacious behavior.


When I'm out with a woman who Im attracted to, I will conduct a series of moves with each one gradually building intensity. For example, if she's telling me about her nails and I comment, I will set her hand on top of mine as I look closely at her nails. If we're in a crowded place and sitting down, while talking (of course reading her body language the entire time) I will see if I can touch her leg, especially if I'm joking with her and getting her to laugh. Then, I will see if I can touch her hair. I know that if she'll let me touch her hair, chances are she'll kiss me. Again, I'm constantly analyzing her body language and checking to see if she's buying what I'm selling (so to speak).


There are varying levels of personal space. I believe there are 3 levels actually, with within 8 inches of a person considered, "intimate space." If he's in your "intimate space" chances are he is attracted to you.


I've observed a few common signals to look for that indicate attraction. Again, these are from my experiences.


1) Eye contact. Although this can be tricky, strong eye contact is a pretty good indicator of interest. And, although this seems far out - the mere act of staring into each others eyes can generate feelings of passion.


2) Open Space. This is especially useful during dinner. I look for the following: did she place her drink in front of her? (this acts as a shield and is considered negative body langauge). I also look at her arms and legs to see if they are open, crossed, etc. If I'm sitting next to her, I observe her purse and where she sits it. Is it between us acting as a barrier? Is it on the other side of her so she can be closer to me? Etc. And, if she's sitting on my lap there are no questions to be asked and analysis is over.


3)Talking in the car: Is she talking to the windshield, or does she face me at least most of the time while I'm driving.


There are more, but these came to mind. Hope this helps.

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