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This past year I had two classes with this one guy. He was in my second period, and last period classes. In second period, I barely ever noticed him, but last period we had this weird thing going on, where I'd look at him, and he'd be looking at me, or vice-versa, and we'd look away. This went on for the rest of the year, and I almost failed the class (he's gorgeous). I've talked with him a few times, about soccer and other stuff, and I get the feeling that he's nervous talking around me. He knows that I'm bi, or at least I think he does. I need advice!


-How do I know if he's into me?-

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From what you've described, it may be wishful thinking. Try talking to him a bit more, and get to know him. It'll be easier to tell if he likes you, and if it starts to seem like he doesn't, you haven't really lost anything and may have made a new friend.

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Well, it just seems hard to talk to him. We hang out with different people, and other than class, I don't get to see him. It's just really akward to go up and start a conversation with someone that you don't know all that well.

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Well, just go and strike a conversation. Once it's out of the way, it's out of the way, and you can talk more and more often. You don't need someone to introduce you to actually meet someone. Just talk to him normally. (I do understand that if you are a bit shy this might take a while... but you can do it!)

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