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ive been depressed lately and im not sure if that effects your eating habbits..

i havent been hungry at all, and when i do eat something i cant seem to keep it down.. ive never had a problem with food until recently. im usually a healthy eater.. but everything has been making me sick i dont seem to have a appitite..

what are some healthy food i could i eat that wouldnt upset my stomach??

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yeh im in the middle of a really depressing time with my b/f..

weve been together for over 2yrs and hes in the military, an its putting alot of stress on our relationship.. && its on the outs.

ive been trying to eat but my stomach is just rejecting the food and its coming bak up.. ehh sounds gross i kno

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Ok, I can understand the being depressed and not wanting to eat. I know some people are like that. Depression can cause loss of appetite in some people...in others it can cause overeating.


I can understand eating and things not tasting right/good if you're upset.


But throwing up anything/everything you do manage to eat is reason enough for me to want to see a doctor (if it's been more than, say, a week) -- just to rule out a physical cause for your loss of appetite and inability to keep food down.


Yes, there's a good chance it's all emotionally-related, but just in case there is some physical cause that happened to crop up around the same time the emotional stuff started, I think it's best to err on the side of caution and get checked out.


When was your last physical check-up? If it's been over a year, it's probably time for one anyway.


In the meantime, you might want to stick to bland foods and clear liquids -- rice, jello, broth, popsicles, saltine crackers...stuff like that.

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