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Does anyone else ever feel this way?

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Whenever a situation comes about with a girl that I like or am attracted to where lets say a conversation starts or something similiar, that event always eats away at me. If I made one little mistake or didnt do everything smooth than I keep thinking about this and hit myself in the head thinking why the hell did I do this etc.. Basically I just feel very awkward later on. Also this always seems to be the start of a sadness. It seems that once I actualy have conversations with girls I like and this happens where I keep thinking about my mistakes etc than I feel gloomy and down and basically I just feel sad and it usualy gets worse. Then its a cycle I feel stupid for mistakes for weeks at a time and at the same time I just want to be with this girl and a dark raincloud seems to descend on me.


Anyways anyone else ever felt this way before?

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It's because you care what woman think. You have been taught like most men that you have to act a certain way to attract a woman. Really all you have to do is act like a man. Act like you do around your friends, if she doesn't like it then that is too bad. You will find that when you aren't even trying or thought you weren't doing anything special is what actually made the girl like you.


It's because you didn't care about what she thought and that is attractive. Do you ever notice how men do stupid things, but yet woman stick with them? It's because they are made to actually enjoy this, and it's entertaining.


You have to like yourself a lot and become comfertable with people not liking you to be smooth and be a cool guy to be around. Just focus on not caring about what woman think, FORCE it into your mind that they are the ones that have to impress you and are the ones you are LETTING hang out with you.


Then you can judge them, and be more confident. You will be a charming person this way, promiss.

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Used to.


Then I realized, I control sex just as much as they do.


I can say no too!!!!!


THey are just like a man, except they have different uhm... organs


What I mean is, you shouldn't accept any less or any more from a woman than you do yourself.


Basically, put yourself in your shoes. IF they don't take stuff like you do do you want to be with them anyway?

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  • 8 months later...

What GottaLetItBurn said is completely true. When you start analyzing your actions around a girl is when you start to screw up even more. You become careful and women can see right through you. Seriously, dont care about what you say or do, obviously there are things you dont want to say, like talk about her weight or about other women, just use common sense. Dont talk about things you wouldnt talk to your good girl friend about.


Start having fun, make fun of her, act like she wants you and then point it out. I was like you with this girl and I asked her out and she turned me down. However, now, after 3 months, I treat her like she wants me, I flirt, make fun of her, and our relationship is completely different. She now wants to hang out with me, I say things to her that I used to not say because I thought I would offend her.


Basically, let her know you are a man and you are not scared to show the world you are a man. Once you start caring is when everything starts to go downhill.

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