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Oh my god, I am so stressed out. I have a million gazillion things to do and I dont have enough time to do it all. I want to go to bartending school, new friends are asking me to hang out, I have schoolwork, I work, I am required to attend seminars for work, I have all these projects, I need to get a hair cut, I want to go and dye my hair half pink, I am driving myself INSANE cuz I am so busy. I think I am going to collapse from exhaustion, lack of time and stress. On top of that, I miss him, old friends are e-mailing me......I have no time to breathe!!


I need some coping tips, procrastination tips, time management tips....AHH!! I have this personality that drives me to succeed.....sometimes I feel like I have to prove I'm superwoman. But it is making me insanely unhappy cuz I dont have enough time.



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teacup you're going to 'burn' yourself out! Slow down and put some of your 'stuff' on the back burner for a while.


What's the point of taking on too many things if you're going to end up with grades at school that are beneath you because you've spread yourself too thin, and projects at work which don't show your full potential.


You can hang out with your new friends once a week. Think of the important things that are going to benefit your life in the future and cut down on the things that aren't!


I'm sure you can find time somewhere to get a haircut. Please think carefully about changing the colour of your hair. It'll probably be ok for school but will work be happy about you doing it? Please don't lose your job over something trivial.


Good luck and take care.

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Oh my goodness, lots to do, so little time!!!


Yeah, you gotta learn to slow down and breathe. The world will not fall apart if you do not do something asap. Write down all the things that you need to get done and prioritize. Figure out what needs to be done first with deadlines. Just organize your tasks.


Try everyday for at least 5-10 minutes to just sit by yourself, close your eyes in a quiet place and just breath, not thinking about all the stuff that you need to get done, who you need to call and so on. Just clear your head for a few minutes and only think about yourself and your breathing.


I think everyone knows how stressful like can be at times, but a lot of people forget to slow down and think for a minute.


So sit down, sort out some of your tasks that need to be done and after that, sit alone with yourself for a few minutes. Maybe put some calming music on.


Hope this helps!

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procrastination tips, LOL!!! some of us are just naturally good at it. only a matter of great importance to me (like pleasing the woman i love) can get me to override my Type B proclivities.


i would love to be more driven like you. i really want to stop being a procrastinator but i just keep putting it off... (stolen joke)

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I feel you girl!!!!


Personally I tend to fluctuate between being a total stress case, and being a compulsive slacker


as for advice,

I know that sometimes when I feel vulnerable by something that is out of my control, or at least perceived as such, I tend to compensate for this by micromanaging my life and always keeping busy, until of course I crash from physical exhasution, but then I'll go to the opposite extreme, well I guess I don't know what to tell you, For me,I know that taking nice long baths act as an integral part in maintaining my emotional wellness

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I agree with Monkey1, when I have lots of things to do in a short time frame I list them all work out when each needs to be done and then work out when to work at each task. Often there are things I can put off for a while. The haircut for example might be able to wait till other things are completed. If you focus on the most urgent thing first and get it out of the way maybe things wont seem so bad. Another thing I tend to do is attack the easiest and quickest tasks and get them out of the way, that way I feel as if I'm progressing.


As for feeling unhappy, is there any reason for that that you know of?

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teacup your problems aren't going to sort themselves out overnight it's going to take a long time. Just think of it as being one day closer to your goal!


That's what I do when I think about my Fiancee living so far away and how hard it is for us because we are so lonely and want to be together so desperately.


Keep going and eventually you will succeed.

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I think you should defer bar tending school for a start. Consider, after you're finished the course, how on earth would you have time to bar tend anyway?


A haircut doesn't take all that long and will likely make you feel better since it's immediately apparent. Plan to take that time to relax and thing about other things, perhaps take some reading while you're waiting.


Are there any times while working that you can study? It's hard to judge not knowing what type of job you have.


Any way you can combine friends with any of the other things you do? Sometimes not a great idea, but in your case you may be able to spend a few minutes chatting while you're between tasks somewhere else.


And ... don't plan on have kids any time soon *grins* If you don't think you have enough time to do what you need to do imagine if there were another few bodies that came first!


Make a mental note of the things you DO get done, and take some satisfaction that you are getting somewhere.

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teacup, remember that every successful journey began with a single step. and while it's true that there are many tasks laid out before you at this time, don't lose sight of the fact that you unquestionably have what it takes to complete each and every one.


all it takes is a little patience and a little faith...


wow, i think i'll actually take my own advice this time!

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To cure stress buy some Lavendar 1% Essential Oil and put it in a oil burner. If you haven't got one of those put half a capful in a mug of hot water and close your eyes and breathe in the vapours.


My Fiancee's a Natural Therapist and she told me to do that and it worked!

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