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Hey guys, read this and you can have multiple orgasms.. no seriously it works

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So. You live in a world where it's commonly believed that women are the only ones who are blessed with the ability to have multiple orgasms. Well ok, to a small extent this is true.. women naturally can have multiple orgasms. But, with a little practise, it's incredible easy for men to perfect this technique aswell.


Firstly, when aspiring to learn this art, it's imperative to understand how it works. One must grasp the fact that orgasm and ejaculation are two separate events and can be separated. Upon ejaculation, a man loses his arousal and is thereforeeee unable to continue having sex and achieving orgasms. If he, however, can have an orgasm without ejaculating, then he can continue to have sex, receive oral or masturbate for as long as he wishes, having many more orgasms along the way.


The first step is to learn how to prevent yourself from ejaculating during an orgasm. If you're used to masturbating or having sex then you may be wondering how the hec this is possible. It's all controlled by a little-known muscle that resides between the testicles and the anus called the Pelvic Floor Muscle (sometimes referred to as the PC muscle). To find this muscle, squeeze the muscle that you would squeeze to stop yourself urinating. Alternatively, try masturbating and feeling the muscle which contracts when you have an orgasm. It's this muscle which controlls the flow of semen out of the penis. Once you've found this muscle, it's time to work on getting it stronger. The stronger your PC muscle is, the easier you will find it to prevent ejaculation whilst having an orgasm. To strengthen your PC muscle, contract it for 10 seconds, 10 times. At first it may feel strange, and you may find it a little uncomfortable - make sure you're not contracting your stomach or chest muscles, and just this one. Try to do this excersize (known as the Kegel excersize) three times a day. After a few days of doing this, you'll notice a difference.


Right, now the fun part - trying it out when having an orgasm. Ok so, you've got your PC muscle nice and fit. Get yourself into a relaxed and peaceful state of mind. Begin masturbating as you would normally making sure not to approach the orgasm to quickly. Regard your climax as a continued stride towards a pleasurable experience. If you've ever heard the saying 'Good things come to those who wait', this applies in this situation. Now, as you feel youself nearing what's known as "The Point of No Return" (the point at which you will definitely have an orgasm whether you stop masturbating or not) take youself as near to the edge as you can and then stop masturbating completely. Now squeeze your PC muscle for 10 seconds. Begin masturbating again but this time take yourself all the way into the orgasm. Just before you feel yourself about to ejaculate, stop masturbating completely again and squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can for the length of the orgasm. If you do this right, you have a full orgasm, and not ejaculate at all. If you find that you did ejaculate aswell, don't worry it could be because of several things. You either may not have a strong enough PC muscle yet in which case you simply need to continue the Kegel excersizes, or you may have squeezed your PC muscle too late. Don't worry, it will all come with practise.


Ok so if you've managed to get through your first orgasm without ejaculating, you should still feel very aroused and can continue masturbating. You may well find that you don't need much more to reach orgasm again. At this point, as it is your first multiple orgasm, I recommend you just have a normal orgasm with ejaculation. What the hec, no need to rush things


Once you've practised this technique several times, try and see if you can go for three or four multiple orgasms. It's not uncommon for a multi-orgasmic male to achieve 18 or 19 orgasms before finally giving up. This is all about the strength of your PC muscle.. so.. get strengthening


Just when you thought this whole multiple-orgasm deal couldn't get any better, it does.. you'll find that with each orgasm you have one after the other, they will become more and more intense and pleasurable. thereforeeee it's technically not possible to limit the pleasure that one can achieve through having multiple-orgasms. Also, each normal orgasm you have from now on will also be much more pleasurable aswell, due to the strength of your PC muscle..


If you can do the above, then congratulations.. you've successfully become a multi-orgasmic male and, aswell as ensuring a lifetime full of intense pleasure for youself, you'll never have any trouble satisfying any woman again!


Let me know how you get on people..

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This is much tougher than it sounds. It seems most people gloss over the part about how to actually make the muscle significantly stronger (not just a little). I am going to try that sometime this summer using very powerful cns stimulants that will let me make that little bugger stronger than it has ever been (in that part I know for certain I will succeed since I can do it with any other muslce predictably).


My problem is that I squeeze that muscle as a means of nearing orgasm and have never been able to prevent ejaculation. I think the male body is just mean to ejaculate to receive full pleasure. I won't give up on it though as this idea has been around for a very long time.


So far the best I have ever been able to do are little mini-gasms that involve me relaxing, not contracting that muscle at the point of no return.


Has anyone you know done it?


Or even claimed to have done this?


Tried at least? What were the results?

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This technique is practised by many men these days and with strengthening, it does work. The important thing to remember is that orgasm and ejaculation are two very separate things and don't necessarily have to be combined.


The technique of producing male multiple orgasms has been around for over 3000 years and a study in the 1940s conducted in California proved that male multiple orgasms are a perfectly acceptable concept.


Basically yeah.. it definitely will work if you do it right.

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I think this is only partly true. I don't think you don't actually avoid an orgasm by clamping down with your pubococcygenus (PC) to stop from ejaculating any more than you can really suppress a sneeze. That being said orgasms and ejaculation can be separated, but it's not by getting your body (in essense) to fight itself.


A strong PC muscle can be helpful in many ways. However, it's also the PC muscles that cause ejaculation and your body will automatically take over and pulse the muscle when it's time to ejaculate. You have to avoid actually getting to the point of ejaculation somehow ... and that's NOT at all that easy.


If you pay really, really close attention to what your body is doing, sometimes you can actually feel a small time lapse between orgasm and the onset of ejaculation, but I think (if I'm at all an indicator) it's quite brief, and it only happens under some circumstances. But for sure you have to totally understand the feelings when getting close to orgasm and slow everything right down to almost a complete standstill.


But definitely, if you want to impress your lady friend with how you can perform, then strengthen up those PC muscles. It will allow you to shoot further because (as I referred to above) it's that same muscles that is used during orgasm. Clamping down on your PC muscles continuously for about 30 seconds will tend to cause a loss of erection because during the time it's clenched, blood flow to the penis it interrupted. Damned hard to do, but it does seem to work. It's not particularly satisfying doing this though. I do it on occasion to tease my partner when I bet her that she can't get/keep me hard ... but she knows what I'm up to.


Curious initial post for a new member of eNotAlone though.

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Actually this happened to me once.


My g/f at the time was going down on me, and she stopped for just a second at the WORST possible time. Well I had one helluva orgasm, and to my shock...nothing came out. I thought I was broken, lol. I tried awfully hard to re-create it but it never happened. If this is the key to that, I am a very happy man.


Pretty sure you (in your all knowing wisom) should make a thread on how to leave work early now

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Hey I just tried it! It didn't work though, I ejaculated before I wanted to. Felt enormously good too, but the goal was not accomplished. But then I tried it again an hour later. Again, premature ejaculation preceeded by a double fart out of nowhere. Then an hour later, yet another burst from the dingaling juice. Gosh darnit, all of my orgasms tonight were through ejaculation. Shucks, I had an ejaculation to masturbation ratio of 1:1.


I guess I failed, huh? \\

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