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My Girl Friend suddenly stopped loving me ... what do i do ?


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Me and my GF met on a chat and we met couple of times after that and eventually fell in love. After a long time, the geological distance between seemed to pull us apart and there were always fights. During such series of events, i met a girl and started having an affair. Though I didnt love this new girl in my life, we were dating steadily. But I couldnt live such a dubious life and decided to end the relationship which i kept secret and told my girlfriend who lived in LA. This happened over a year back. My GF was mad at me and very disturbed. Slowly and steady over the period of 1 year, i managed to get her back to the same level of love that we had earlier. We were laughing all the time whenever we spoke onthe phone and chatting while at work and all the wonderful things were back again. Alas, but I had not met my gf since the sordid affair. So last month I decided to meet her. When i went to meet her LA, she was very excited to meet me till the time I actually met. Hell fell all around me, when she said that she doesnt love me and when she saw my face, it reminded her of my affair with the other girl. That Trip to LA was a total disaster. Now we dont talk much, i have lost all my sense of humor, i am not happy and she is miserable on her side. Two days back, she told me that she cannot continue with this relationship and doesnt want to talk to me anymore. I called her several times at home, on the cell and in the office, but she doesnt pick up my calls nor returns any of them. I dont know what to do and how to resolve this issue.

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My friend Rahul,


It sound like it is time to say goodbye.


You have hurt her in the most tragic way. If she is steadfast in her words of how she feels about you then more than likely there is nothing more than can help.


Try talking to her once more. Make a strong effort, don't beg or go over dramatic.


Remain a man.


If she still holds to her words. Back off and leave the relastionship alone.


Good luck and in the future don't stray.

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you seem to be doing your best on trying to get ahold of her and resolving the conflict between the two of you, but if she is so content on ending the relationship so suddenly then maybe its for the best. I know your hurting and ive been through a silmiliar breakup. I would say to try and become friends w/ her before you try anything else. If she wont let you in this way, most likely she never will. I know its hard to hear but its a rarity to make someone love you again after you've broken their heart. I wish there was another way and if this doesnt help I'm sorry and I wish you the best.


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  • 1 year later...

Sometimes it's hard (or nearly impossible for that matter) for someone to regain the same feelings they once had for someone else once they've been cheated on. Not only is the person hurt, but he or she has a hard time trusting the other. If this girl doesn't love you anymore, just move on. I understand that, because of the distance problem, you felt tempted to get with someone else for a while, but do understand that you still blew it with your girlfriend. Many of the things we do have their repercussions that we must learn to accept - that's what life's all about. Good luck to you man.

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