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gf mad but doesnt know why!

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hey guys, this is more of an update, my girlfriend and i are heading for a break up i believe...


we talked last night and she says she has been unhappy for 6 months.

she says she been mad and she got tired of being mad at her self and started takeing it out on me"i dunno whats shes talking about"

she says she wakes up every mornin feeling like shes lieing to me cause she says shes happy when i asked.


i wish she would of brought this more to my attention.

she doesnt know what could be making her unhappy.


she has a good job, not fighting with parnts,and "she has one of the most careing guy in the world that loves her head to toe and is a big part of her past and present."


i want to be there for her through this and work it out together and find out whats making her mad.


we havnt been seeing much of each other this month do to shes a busy racer and all.


which is kewl. but she says this month she has been really mad and we havnt really seen each other and she just wants to keep finding things to be mad about.


she says she cant see me out of her life or with see her self with anyone else, but she may need to walk away for awhile.


we both dont know what to do she is just maybe picking the easyier way to do things. i told her i will get her this site, and to give her a few days to think what she wants to do.. and its ur dicsion on what to do..


the thing is this would be our 3rd break up if it goes that way.


the last break up i didnt handle well and it was a real dark time for me and i am not going back to that.

nore well i wait around for that call.


so this may not only kill our relationship but our friendship as well.

i cant see her with another person it would hurt to much and i cant lose my bestfriend either... either way theres hurt.


so i may have to walk away from her forever... all i know is i have to go through with it so she knows she lost something big in her life..



after we talked we did something odd and made love at the park and we left it at that. we decided to wait cause we really didnt know what to do.

and i want her to think about this.


so that is whats up, can some people give me some advice on how to help this sitituation out?

i am lost and i dunno what to do.


thanks for listening to me vent and sorry for the spelling and grammer

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The worst thing in this is that it seems like you have no control. I feel sorry for your girlfriend and I can only guess that she's feeling restless with her life in general and perhaps stuck in a rut.


But it's you posting on here and not her. Please don't try to keep appeasing her to get her to stay. She will just treat you like a doormat. Make it clear to her that whatever you decide has to be what you BOTH agree to and doesn't just suit one person.


If she were psoting on here, I'd tell her to go to counselling, which is precisely what I've done and it helps.

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This might sound stupid, but is she on birth control? Maybe that's what's making her agitated? From what you have described, it doesn't seem like there's anything in her life right now which could've caused this, I'm just wondering if that had anything to do with it . . . I've heard stories from others where they would just get mad or worried for no reason and just randomly blow up at their family members or significant others. If not, I agree with Momene that she might need so get some counselling to figure out what is it that she's feeling this way . . . her constant unhappiness might be early signs of depression . . .

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well we have been together for about 6 years, first time i broke up with her cause i was confused and need space, secound she was on birth control and made her act really funny and she actully had a reason to be real mad at me. "no job or anything". and she was confused.


no shes not on anything that i know of.


consuling im not sure shes up for that which i agree she should go to.

but she thinks its a waste of money i guess i dunno i will talk to her about it or i will let her write on here.


all i know is i want to help her. she doesnt want to leave me i know that but she doesnt know what to do. thats why i asked the advice.


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well we have been together for about 6 years, first time i broke up with her cause i was confused and need space, secound she was on birth control and made her act really funny and she actully had a reason to be real mad at me. "no job or anything". and she was confused.


no shes not on anything that i know of.


consuling im not sure shes up for that which i agree she should go to.

but she thinks its a waste of money i guess i dunno i will talk to her about it or i will let her write on here.


all i know is i want to help her. she doesnt want to leave me i know that but she doesnt know what to do. thats why i asked the advice.



6 years together is a long time. You have a job now? Getting by with the finances?


Babypink suggested she may be moody because of BC pill. As you say she has a history.


Perhaps you can save the money for the counseling for now and together go to a family planning clinic or OB Gyn to get her alternative BC like IUD. Mention her history and they give you both good advise.

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rgr, but shes not on birth control anymore that was 2 years ago..


shes not on any pills atm or at least i dont think she is.


yea consuling sounds the best right now but should i stay with her through this or i dunno confused..

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rgr, but shes not on birth control anymore that was 2 years ago..


shes not on any pills atm or at least i dont think she is.


yea consuling sounds the best right now but should i stay with her through this or i dunno confused..


I'd stay with her if she gives you that choice and she agrees to sort her issues out by counselling or otherwise.


If she wants to split, you can't stop her and if she doesn't but doesn't want to do anything about her issues, then you want to split.

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Yeah, if she needs counseling it will be hard. But we do not know if she needs it or it is because of medications/pill or because you do not love her.


Ask yourself if you really love her, really care her, really want her.




If not, likely she feels that and wants to move on because you would hurt her. Girls have feelings too.


Also please consider to send her to this site for help.

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Well budy, you do not sound that concerned here...


why am not is because she wont go back on um, she doesnt want to.



Could you find out if she takes any medications? yea i could but i believe shes not. she does have the rash though that has been making her irritable.


What about contraception? no that i know of.

You had sex in the park with condom? no but i am going to asked her something about that... we just dont use condoms anymore.


Yeah, if she needs counseling it will be hard. But we do not know if she needs it or it is because of medications/pill or because you do not love her.


Ask yourself if you really love her, really care her, really want her.


what i ment about that is should i walk away and let her figure out things for herself.

i dont want to leave i love this women i truly do but this his her discison not mine i can only make suggestions not going to push her.


i love her enough to let her go so she can be happy.

if shes not happy with me im not happy cause shes not happy and its not fair to her, yes i do know she has feelins and i care about them other wise i wouldnt be on here in the first place. ive known this women for 6 years and i helped her out with so much.

i love her and i want to see us make this passed this, but more importantly i want her to be happy.


that how to fix qoutes?

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Could you please fix your quoting.

It works like this:



me wrote...


You write



me wrote...


You write



Looks like this:

me wrote...

You write


me wrote...

You write


In your text you just leave out all the single quotes '


Thank you


P.S. Anyone know how to escape characters?

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