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well, should i move on or what!?

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i recently met this girl at a club...maybe we started off a little too quick because we made out after like 5 minutes after meeting So i got her number, called her a couple days after to plan to meet up. Now here's the thing i called her and got voicemail like twice..So no returned calls until i text her the next day...she said she was sleeping with her phone on silent...I didnt bother to ask her out and decided to go clubbing...Not to my knowing she was there and i "didn't say hi"! I really did not see her!! So she tells me this the next day and whatever...so i apologize and such, she says it's cool, no worries...i just didnt recognize her!

Now a week later I again get the voicemail, continuously!!!!!!!!! Not even a text back or nething this time! So Again I text her the next day and she replies???!!! I really dont understand!!....i texted her to make sure i want gettin the cold shoulder...so neways, i told her i was goin clubbin...again! and maybe we could link up for a movie the day after! She says "yea we could try that"...

Again i call her the day after to organise......guess what...voicemail!!!!!!!!!!

no texxt back, no reply to my missed call...............COLD SHOULDER OR AN EFFED UP PHONE?! I guess it's no problem movin on, but maybe it's not over yet?!!! i dunno....gimme some tips..later

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ok, well, my point of view is a little different. true, she may be uninterested, but maybe she'd like you to make a concrete move. nothing like, 'hey - maybe sometime we can get a movie?' no. I know that most girls like something concrete, not something wishy-washy.


if you are really into her, why don't you call, or if she doesn't pick up, leave a message like, "Hi - it's xxxxx. I was wondering if you'd like to get a cup of coffee with me this weekend. call me back. bye."

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if you are really into her, why don't you call, or if she doesn't pick up, leave a message like, "Hi - it's xxxxx. I was wondering if you'd like to get a cup of coffee with me this weekend. call me back. bye."


Or how about "Hey XXXXXX its XXXX lets meet up on wednesday for a coffee. Call me back. Bye."


More concrete.

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my friends always complain why my phone is always busy, or in voicemail. but i don't know why becuz i don't think i'm always on the phone all the time. up to now i don't really know the reasons why maybe the phone company.


around what time do you call her? don't call her too late. she might be sleeping and switch off the phone so you always get the voicemail.

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Dude, you're being that creepy guy who doesn't take the hint. When you get a girls number, you call her ONCE. If you get the voice mail, you leave a SHORT MESSAGE with your NAME and NUMBER. That's it. Just like this:


"Hey Becky, this is Kila from the club. Give me a call back at 717/555-1234. Later."


That's it. If she calls back, she's interested. If she doesn't, throw away her number and forget about her. Calling a dozen times and texting her like crazy without taking a hint is getting really creepy.

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