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I can't stand my kids

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LOL, Alteer! I confess I would probably resort to a little trickery myself once I'm a parent. But...please tell me your kids are allowed to stay up later now!


Thanks for the laugh. Ta Ree Saw, gotta keep your humor too, it looks like. That appears to be the key to staying sane.


Hey, I just thought of another idea...about once a week, declare "It's OK To Splash Water In The Bathtub Today," with the caveat they have to wipe it off the floor afterwards with towels. Voila! You've just gotten your bathroom floor mopped.

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Hey, I just thought of another idea...about once a week, declare "It's OK To Splash Water In The Bathtub Today," with the caveat they have to wipe it off the floor afterwards with towels. Voila! You've just gotten your bathroom floor mopped.

I got kinda tricked like that when I was a little kid. "Can I vacuum the floor - pleeeeeassssee!!" And I kept on whining until I was allowed that treat.


Boy, was I ever suckered.

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LOL, Alteer! I confess I would probably resort to a little trickery myself once I'm a parent. But...please tell me your kids are allowed to stay up later now!


Thanks for the laugh. Ta Ree Saw, gotta keep your humor too, it looks like. That appears to be the key to staying sane.


Hey, I just thought of another idea...about once a week, declare "It's OK To Splash Water In The Bathtub Today," with the caveat they have to wipe it off the floor afterwards with towels. Voila! You've just gotten your bathroom floor mopped.



LOL yes my kids are allowed to stay up later now, a bit hard to get a 14 yr old into bed at 5 now. And they kinda woke up to that trick. When they did find out my daughter said...."omg Mum, but you're supposed to love us!!!" My answer, "I do hun, but I love sanity more!!!"


But I'm coming up with new tricks all the time..........the kids still haven't clued into most of them.


I've got a ton of them up my sleeve

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you guys are too funny. that helps too.


Thanks for all the great tips Alteer. And yes, i've done that and hid in places where they would be looking for me for 1/2 hr while I sipped coffee....kidding.


i do have little tricks to get me thru most days but the best part is, my husband is wonderful...


And DN, I do trick my kids in to thinking vacuuming, wiping windows etc is fun. I like the splashing in the tub and cleaning the floor with towels thing!


Great news, tonight, I went out with my sister, cousin and aunts and had some of the best pizza in town and WAY too many glasses of wine. I had so much fun.


And my husband only called twice - just locator calls -

#1 "where are the wipes?"

#2 "where's the kids' shampoo?


Hey - at least I know he changed diapers and gave them a bath!!


He is great. And so are all of you. Thanks for the tips and advice!

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I know you aren't on now, but I just saw your post.


I just had a similar situation and logged on myself looking for someone with whom I could comisserate. Your post let me know that I'm not alone, that I'm not losing it, and that indeed our feelings are normal. Overwhelming, but normal.


Hang in, kiddo, and take refuge in every secret passage you can find. Mine is usually the front porch with a glass of wine.:splat:




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Ta ree saw,


Glad you got to get out for a little bit with your gals and have some "adult" fun. It's wonderful that your hubby is helpful and I am sure that makes a big difference. Hope you praise him for what he does so that he, too, is encouraged to take over from time to time and give you that much needed respite.


You are NOT a terrible person, kids are tough!

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Hey Ta Ree


I know you got a lot of responses but I just wanted to add that I feel your pain. I only have one child though (my son is 2 1/2) and frankly I have no idea how anyone has more than one because IT'S EXHAUSTING!


I'm a student and so when summer started, I began staying with my son full time and it's quite an adjustment .. It is so hard staying at home with kids all day long!! Please do try to find a babysitter or someone to help out occasionally. Maybe there's a summer camp or some activity you can enroll your older ones in.

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Here's another vote for your feelings are normal. Kids can be really exhausting. Deep down you always know you love them and would do anything for them. But there are some days that you just wonder what you ever got yourself into.


Get that time away at least once a week. Twice would be even better. You need to recharge your batteries with some adult fun.

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My husband gave me homemade "gift certificates" for mothers day - a whole bunch of them. About 4 of them are for 3 hours of impromptu time off. Along with a couple times he'll do laundry, dishes, clean 1 room...


...he's so thoughtful. But now i just feel guilty about using them.



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My husband gave me homemade "gift certificates" for mothers day - a whole bunch of them. About 4 of them are for 3 hours of impromptu time off. Along with a couple times he'll do laundry, dishes, clean 1 room...


...he's so thoughtful. But now i just feel guilty about using them.




Awww, that is so nice of him! He must have known that you really needed a break. I'm glad your hubby is so involved and really part of the team while parenting your kids.


Hope you enjoy your well deserved "time off".



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