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For the ladies a quick question plz anwser

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lol ha ha i am a guy and a try hard is a person thats tries to get 2 be in that position so much he keeps trying and trying which gets annoying



OMG I'm sorry...don't know why I thought you were a girl


In that case then no, I wouldn't think of you as a try hard if she is showing at least some signs of interest. But then again if she isn't then find someone else to compliment.

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umm this is for the ladies but guys you could anwser if you know anything. if a guy keeps complimenting you and keep saying things 2 make you like him do you call him a try hard?


Trying to say things to get her interested is a very weak approach. You are sending signals that you aren't confident that she will like who you are on her own. You are sending desperate signals which is a huge turnoff.


Girls do spend a lot of time getting ready and making themselves look good for a date, so to be a gentleman you should notice and compliment the work she did, but limit yourself to ONE compliment a night. If you are good at giving her a meaningful compliment, one is enough, you get your point accross, she is happy, and you don't look desperate or fake.

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