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Ok I just found out my girlfriend is smoking cigerettes now (ruining her life) she's only 17. Would you be pretty po'ed at this and what should I do? Talk to her about it or what? Because I am so po'ed right now I dont even like typeing this message.



Unfortunately, that is up to her. Yes, talk to her and tell her that you don't like it.


However, get this in your head, you can't ask her to quit, that is her desicion.

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I agree, you could ask her nicely to quit, and explain to her that it bothers you that she could be harming her long term health.


But you for sure can not make her or demand that she quit. If you love and care for her I would think it is something you would have to accept if you are going to be with her,, and hope that one day she decides that smoking is not for her.

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She's a bit stuburn and does not listen to opinions except her's so tonight I told her I did not like it and I said "You know how I feel, I can't make you or stop you from smoking because its your choice" Also she said she is very sorry. So we were out by my car kissing and she just lights up one and I said "Very sorry huh" and well she got mad. And I told her why would she do something to her self if someone acually out their (me) that cares about her. Good point?

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Your in fact missing the point. Smoking is an addiction. It can't be just forgotten about, it's craving bigger than the need to eat.


If it comes a choice between smoking of eating, people who smoke choose a cigarette first before anything and anyone. That's why you cannot make her quit by making her feel guilty, all it will do is make her feel bad that she lies and smokes behind your back because of your disapproval.

What's why I suggested making her think twice about the smell she reaks of... Nobody is comfortable knowing they stink and you have more chance in making her aware of this that she will consider giving up than any pressure that it is bad for you etc..

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