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Do you think there'd be any way I could get proof that it's possible for women...

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Manchester's miles away (around 18 ) it just feels like way too much hassel, I'd have to get on two different buses there and two different buses back and be waiting at bus stops and traveling for ages.


As for the music I like, I like a lot of the old rave, 80's, early 90's and a bit of everything else.



Hassle Smassle,


So its too much of a hassle to learn something new, dance close with women, and learn a new skill?


Meet new women that WILL dance with you to learn?


Hmm, wow. That's a little interesting...


tisk tisk, oh well I guess you don't want a woman to have her hands on your hips and yours on hers...



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I never said it's too much of a hassle to learn something new, dance close with women, and learn a new skill.


Bah, 18 miles is nothing, I used to commute 60+ miles ea. way DAILY for 2 yrs.!



Use the link, find somewhere closer to learn how to dance.


Make us all happy and say you actually called a studio to get in a class this week or at least the soonest class avail..

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I'm not working right now. I wouldn't mind going to college and learning something so I can get a good job that I enjoy with a good future.



OK, that explains some things, but no more excuses, you have more time than most to actually do things. Are you visual or need details to learn something?



link removed , Swing,keep watching these videos.

link removed Tango



Everyone who dances should read this one!

link removed Subtle Aspects/Dance



link removed


music types

link removed



At least rent a "learn to (insert some hobby here) video" if money is a problem.

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Ross man, I think you really need to just let go of the scared thoughts and proper just get in there, get yourself down to a bar, anyone thats notoriously known for being a "cattle market" get yourself real drunk and just ask girls if they want a drink or if they want to go out sometime. I have a mate who isnt even good looking and he asks on average about 10 birds when hes out, he always pulls, you need some confidence man, get to the gym or start pumping up. Dont be scared of approaching chicks, you have nothing to lose. Go on fella you'll be ok. They never come up to you (rarely), they like to be chased.

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We're rooting for you, Me and macgyver


We're here to, Pump, you up!




ahem! did you forget about somebody, budman?


hey Ross, you have to show us that you're listening to us a little, so please practice not talking bad about yourself. that IS unattractive to the opposite sex.


if you would, please answer these questions:


1. how many ENA women (i want your serious best estimate) have told you you're not bad-looking?


2. if a friend said to you that "women don't want a piece" of him, how would you respond?

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Ross, I used to be exactly like you. Always too afraid to make a first move. Fear was always encompassing my life when it came to women. And it got me nowhere. No life experiences, no joy. Look at all the great authors, musicians, artists out there. They all took a chance. And many of them failed. But so what, it's made for some great inspiration.


The moment I took control of my life was when one night in college I wanted to kiss a girl I was with sooo bad. But I couldn't. I was paralyzed by fear. And then another fear came over me... a fear that I would live life dominated by my fears and with no life experiences. And then I had a sort of outer-body experience and almost saw myself in a movie. I gave up my fear and decided to try and kiss her. And I failed! And made an * * * out of myself. But it was an important step, one that changed my life forever.


Nothing matters, whether you succeed or fail. Women are human creatures just like men, and they are nothing to be afraid of. You sound as though you simply need to improve on your social skills and maybe let go a little bit. You're the director of your own life movie. Throw yourself in some crazy situations, even if you know you'll fail. I guarantee you that even the failures will make you a better/stronger person.


The only thing that's stifling you right now is your own mind. And unfortunately, all the advice in the world probably won't help you. You're gonna have to get fed up with your inaction at some point and decide to change that. The only difference is whether you take action today, tomorrow, or never.

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Ross, I used to be exactly like you. Always too afraid to make a first move. Fear was always encompassing my life when it came to women. And it got me nowhere.



Wasn't everyone like that at one time or another, especially w/ relationships?


Nobody was born instantly successful at anything, we all had to learn through mistakes, trial and error, on our own (usually bad results) or from mentors and teachers.

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No, I dont think there is any way you can get proof since determining whether or not a woman is attracted to you is something that is usually 'read into' as opposed to something that is clear. I think most behaviour you experience from women is going to be ambigious leading to 50/50 interpretations between interest and non-interest, unless of course, you are telepathic or omniscient and are able to read people's thoughts. Not having the benefit of telepathy or omniscience, it is impossible to prove and simply left to interpretation.


However, when I'm in a bad mood, or feeling negative, then, I will interpret everything to reinforce how I am feeling. If someone is looking at me, I'll look behind to see if she is staring at someone else, and likewise with any flirtatious signal. However, if I'm in a good mood, or feeling positive or confident, then I may start feeling 'good vibes' about some girls, and think I should go up to talk to them.


I usually try to read the 'spirit' behind the girl first before I talk with her (which I never end up doing anyway). Every girl has a spirit - and you usually feel some connection with that spirit - or chemistry, before you talk to her. So, the only tangible proof of attraction can only be the vibes that you are feeling, if someone is likely going to be sympathetic with your flirting efforts, or harsh.

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Its a vicious cycle really:


If you think a girl likes you


You flirt more


You have more confidence


Which causes her to like you


which causes you to think she likes you


which causes you to flirt more


which causes you to gain confidence


which causes her to like you more


it goes on and on


in reverse to that


You think she doesn't like you


you flirt less


you lose confidence


she likes you less


etc etc


It's a vicious cycle.

You need confidence to gain confidence.

or you need to just say * * * * it, and do it ross.

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Thanks for ancering my Q Ross


Well ive read throw the posts and there all pritty much saying the same thing

"Just do IT"


But you wont so I have an Idear, go to a county where they dont speake English, Say Sweeden Iceland, Norway, Greese, Indea China etc.


The you can go talk to a woman/girl who says hy to you with out fear (I know some will know english but not all) Say hi back, smile, nod and say sorry English is all I know, but would you like a drink or meal.


That way to can try out your flesrting skills with out fear of.


"What are you doing talking to me, HOW DEAR YOU! why illl....." etc

All you will get is an odd look and smile.


PS pic some where nice so you can sight see.


Have fun

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