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im going to share one thing with everyone here and it might seem childish but it is helping me through my painfull breakup anybody who has wronged you, ie lied to you cheated on you or just used you up and treated you like crap and then moved on after you put your heart and soul into the relationship. one word KARMA! it always comes around not to say you should wish bad things on your ex but they will get there's its just a matter of time, we all know this inside cuz we all have done things were not proud of in the past maybe with other relationships or just to a person you didnt help when they needed help and all the suddon your in that same spot and guess what you don't have the help you wish you had, my point being that im relizing is move on live your life be happy they will get there's it might be a painfull breakup, it might be that a year down the road they relize they screw'd up so bad and know you were the best thing that ever happened to them and miss you so bad it drives them insane with grief, all the while you found somebody better for yourself and have moved on and now are happy! or my personal favorite the person they replaced you with turns out to be a complete loser and run's them into financial ruin but who's bitter. lol all i know i just want to be happy and there are good people out there for us all, and i just relized that today for myself so i thought i would share this thought with everyone.

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ok you must have missed the lol it means laugh out loud its a joke even though i would be lying if i said i never thought about that happening to her. i never really want anything bad to happen to her im just human and when i was hurting really bad i thought bad thoughts if you never thought crapy things about an ex well then your a better man than i

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ok you must have missed the lol it means laugh out loud its a joke even though i would be lying if i said i never thought about that happening to her. i never really want anything bad to happen to her im just human and when i was hurting really bad i thought bad thoughts if you never thought crapy things about an ex well then your a better man than i


I did miss the LOL!


But I can honestly say I've never wished anything bad on an ex. If you think about it, if something bad did happen to them, you'd actually be really upset. I really don't think it would make you happy. I mean almost no matter what went on in your relationship (I guess excluding abuse), you did once love that person and they will always have some sort of palce in your heart.

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you know what? i think it's perfectly acceptable to hope that karma bites your ex in the * * * a little. of course you don't want terrible things to happen to him, but if you hear that your ex got his car towed yesterday...hell, i think you deserve to have a little chuckle!


a few weeks after my breakup i was informed that not only had my ex gained weight, he got mono. personally, i think that's just the beginning of his bad karma.


i know the world isn't fair, but i think there is something to the idea of karma...for every bad or mean thing i've done to a member of the opposite sex, i've had the same thing done to me. doh!

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The best kind of Karma I think is to become and evil Genius and take over the world,


Wile there building a humdrum life of domestic bliss you could be constructing your 1st secret Lear and plotting your 1st evil schemes to make




Just think as they move throw life getting a Job Wife House


You could be taking over your 1st crime syndicate, orcastrating you 1st coup and placeing that death ray satellite into orbit.



O the happy hours I have spend imaging my X in a lake full of sharks with Fricking lasers on there heads in my top secret Hid out.


So Evil plan goes.


1: Construct Evil base

2: Recruit Evil Minions

3: Take over world

4: sit back and enjoy slow and lingering pain inflicted on x.


It’s as easy as that

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oh man KARMA came to bite me in the buttocks ... i have payed fro all the hurt i have caused to my others exes with this one..wow..i got my * * * kicked...lol...i deserve to taste the poison i was administering to my other exes...yes my friends karma is very alive and kicking very hard. In terms of exes...i have no ill will casue i broek up with them and they probably would be happy if i lost a limb or 2..now i feel the same for this piece of dog * * * * i dated...i want nothing but bad things to happen to her, not becuase she broek up with me, but becasue she was a self centered monster and hurt me badly 3 times in 5 yrs..she is manipulative and nthing but a user

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so did i do something to deserve the pain and suffering that my ex caused me when she dumped me? i treated all the women i've dated, and have been involved with, very well. so what did i do that karma now wants to flex it's muscles on me? hmmm...


5 friggin months and i am STILL not over this crap completely. ](*,)

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my point i was trying to make is when a person takes advantage of you and lies and cheats on you instead of just saying you know what this is just not working, (even though that would still hurt but its honest) karma will nip them in the but because what goes around comes around. You just might be learning a painfull lesson which sucks, but i can tell you one thing you and me and everyone on this sight are not the first or the last to have are hearts smashed into little pieces. The smashers will get there's at some point and the smashe's will move on to bigger and better things i know it dosnt seem like that know but we all will be happy again just takes time!

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