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bring ex girlfriend to wedding?

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Hey guys, it's my first post here. this seems like a helpful place, so i hope that i can get some feedback.


i am going to a wedding in 2 weeks. it's a family wedding, where all the fam will meet up. i am allowed to bring a guest along. would it be ok for me to invite my ex girlfriend (were together for 2 years) to come? we are on good terms, just back to talking and being friends. please let me know what you think, will this be ok? what do you think she might think if i do this?

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I don't see why you can't take her, however, I advise you to explain that it's only as a friend so there's no misunderstandings. Plus make sure that the other guests know you're only friends too or they'll assume you're back together.


Welcome to enotalone.

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Thak you for the advice and the welcome.


i agree with you, i think that i am just thinking about this in such a way for this reason: I have believed that when you invite someone to a wedding, there is some meaning beind that and I am not sure why, but I thought that maybe my ex can interpret that in such a way.


Also, does the situation change if I want to get back with her? Should I still invite her, or should i find another date to make things slower, to not be too pushy and scare her?

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I do want to get back together, but she didn't break up with me. I sensed that she did want that and at the time, I wanted the same thing. We came up with the decision together, no fighting, arguing, just separated. So we both broke up in a way, but not on bad terms, and I fell like we could go back.

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I will. The problem is that I don't see her that often. I would see her and talk to her before/during the wedding, or possibly after just so that we can enjoy it with no stress. I could call her, but I think that these things have to be discussed in person, so the wedding could be a beginning to a deeper converstaion.


Thank you annie24 for the clear tip!

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I say you should definitely take her. If you are able to be friends with her now with out it hurting, then the wedding will not change things. I suggest you tell her that you would like to go as friends. I would not bring up relationship stuff during the wedding and just have fun. Obviously, if things are going well and she seems to want to talk, then this could be a good time. If not, then see how things go and you can always talk to her afterwards. I actually went to a wedding with my ex wife right after we got separated. It was a mutual friend and she only would go, if I went with her. We had a good time. One thing to consider is the weddings are a great place to meet single women, if it is someone young getting married. I have met a couple of women at weddings.

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how about just chatting generally to her, mentionning the wedding say how it should be a good laugh, a nice day, then perhaps say "hey, I dont suppose you fancy coming do you?"


Like someone else said, weddings are romantic and could spark something off, but only if its there to begin with to some degree. Don't get your hopes up just incase she wants to be 'just friends', but you never know.


good luck

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