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This sounds psycho, I know.

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Sometimes I get the weirdest urges to hurt somebody. Nothing extream, just like hit or pinch someone, something like that. I don't understand why I get like this but I feel horrible about it later and try not to act on them. Have any of you ever felt like this? I don't know what's wrong with me, I know I used to cut myself I don't anymore, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.

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I think it's pretty normal... I think it IS related to cutting yourself... because I used to cut myself and it was a result of having built-up tension caused by other people and, essentially, myself.


When you have these urges, is it after someone did something that hurt you or made you mad? You could direct it towards working out/exercise... trust me, my BEST workouts have stemmed from someone making me mad.

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I dont know if it has to do with anger or cutting, but yeah I've had those random types of urges, and I'm not a violent person at all...it takes a lot to piss me off. But...I won't lie when I say I've been somewhere walking down a street on campus or mall at work and felt like just randomly clocking the next person I pass...just feel like it would make me feel better...lol...and no I'd never act on it. I've even had the opposite urge, and want to kiss a random girl I may have just met or something...whether I was really attracted to her or not...eh...no I'd never act on something that random either...but the thoughts do quickly enter and leave my mind from time to time.

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Hey -

i dont know if it has anything to do with cutting yourself!

But I know exactly how you feel - cos sometimes i get that urge too - i dont know if it's the same with you - but I never act upon it, i just imagine myself doing it!

So you're not alone, and i dont think there's much wrong with the both of us!

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Have any of you ever felt like this?


I have only felt like this when antagonized/provoked. Memories of childhood, specifically.... my brother and sister come to mind.


If you feel like you want to physically attack or hurt others for no reason (i.e. just hit a random stranger that is walking by) then I think it is more serious than just having a bad temper or reacting to conflict. If the people in the situation are non-provoking, then it probably is a tension you are a carrying around inside.


Have you told anyone else about this? Like a parent or a counselor?


How do you feel about youself? You mentioned you have cut before. If you don't feel good about yourself- it's sometimes easy to take it out on others. Do you think the your urges could be coming from that?




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Well my father and I had a lot of problems when I was younger, we're better now though. I often thought he wasn't treating my fairly and he'd provoke me to anger and tears and then I'd get in trouble for yelling, crying, screaming ect. I was always made fun of at school through all of my elementery, middle, and most of highschool then when that stopped somebody kept going to the guidance and lying about me telling her that I was going to commit suicide and I'd get called into her office several times a week almost. I do have siblings a little brother that is six, he's great I love him and all but I feel that he is treated better than me and I'm sometimes ignored over him. I was also constally lonely when I was younger and would cry probably once every day for a while. I don't know if any of this helps or not, but there you go.

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I think everyone get's those urges, but the degree of violence varies in people. I know that sometimes I get the urge to wanna hurt someone around me badly maybe even kill them, but those are urges that I will never act on. The difference between the pyscho's out there and regular people that get these urges is regular folks don't act on them.

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This is normal. Remember in elementery school they used to punch pillows and such to get out ur anger?


Oh, I remember once in daycare this little boy bit me and got in trouble and his punishment was for the teachers to hold him down while I hit him accross the face as hard as I could... we were both probably four. Now, that I think of it that doesn't seem fair.

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Oh, I remember once in daycare this little boy bit me and got in trouble and his punishment was for the teachers to hold him down while I hit him accross the face as hard as I could... we were both probably four. Now, that I think of it that doesn't seem fair.



OMG!!! That's harsh for daycare. I wouldn't even do that to my own kids.


We all get angry from time to time.....it's normal.....you just need to find a constructive way to deal with it. Maybe go running or something....I know that helps me to blow off some steam.

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Sometimes I get the weirdest urges to hurt somebody. Nothing extream, just like hit or pinch someone, something like that. I don't understand why I get like this but I feel horrible about it later and try not to act on them. Have any of you ever felt like this? I don't know what's wrong with me, I know I used to cut myself I don't anymore, I don't know if that has anything to do with it.


My partner gets urges to bite. Sometimes she just grabs my hand, puts it in her mouth and bites...not softly mind you...it hurts. She says it feels really good biting someone elses flesh. I put up with it.

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