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2.5 Months NC, started feeling sad all over again!

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About 48 hours ago I came to a tough realization that made me come back to this website today and share (It's been a while that I post because I was trying to get the breakup idea out of my head). Basically, it's been 2 months and a half since the breakup and initianion of NC on my part. She has made no attempt to make any sort of contact except that petty "happy easter" text to my sister in April. Even through our "would be" 2-year anniversary that passed 10 days ago did she try to contact me.


Ladies & Gentleman, I thought I was getting over her, yet realized this is only the beginning. Much strength to all you newly broken up out there, specially for those on NC which is the correct way to do it. The road ahead is long and bumpy. I certainly do not see any light at the end of my tunnel yet... Feel free to comment...sigh...



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Hi there coldheart!


You are doing great! Two and half months is awesome. I think you are having a slight setback because you may be a bit plauged by sentiment a bit. Easter, 2-year anniversery...that stuff stings. Give yourself some more time and realize that what your are feeling is normal. It is okay...try not to beat yourself over this. I think you are doing great! Hang in there my friend.

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Sounds like you're doing swell to me!!!!


If you're on a diet eating yourself silly for one day wouldn't mean you had to do it all week would it? It's a day or two where you've understandably felt a bit sad due to the timing, it's allowed.



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It just feels so weird. Feels almost as if something new is happening in my emotional department. Two and a half months of successful post-breakup campaigning and here I go, into a week of pain and sorrow, longing for what once was the meaning of life to me. As of right now, what I have to do is very understood and clear, I just cannot seem to jump start myself into "move-on" mode again for the time being... Very difficult situation.



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i can relate to the anniversary thing...it was a year ago on the 24th of may just coming up around there corner. So far it hasnt affected me just yet ive been in NC for 3 weeks but I 'had' the idea to send her some sort of text/email on the anniversary date (she always said i didnt remember things) but thats most likely a futile idea.

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i can relate to the anniversary thing...it was a year ago on the 24th of may just coming up around there corner. So far it hasnt affected me just yet ive been in NC for 3 weeks but I 'had' the idea to send her some sort of text/email on the anniversary date (she always said i didnt remember things) but thats most likely a futile idea.


I'm totally with you on that one. I felt like doing "special" things on multiple ocasions such as easter, mother's day, and our anniversary but always held back in the end. I figured if I had missed some of them while I was IN the relationship, what help was it to remember them after it was done? It probably would of been taken as a cheesy way to attemp reconciliation.



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