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Get a job? or Continue Working for Myself?

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I quit my job back in February because I cannot stand working for someone else, it just doesnt make sense to me to get paid if I do well, or if I do a bad job... anyway whole other issue.


I have about $425 in bills I need to pay each month with my car, insurance, gas, and cell phone.


I have been able to make all these payments, some months it was a little close. All from small odd jobs I have done. I have been using this time away from work to do what I really want to do...run my own business. The majority of what I have tried has failed, though I understand I am not going to make millions, even thousands or hundreds right off the bat. It takes time to find what works. Though I am feeling pressure from friends family and my girlfriend to get a job, and also pressure from my self to keep a cash flow coming in, and so I dont need to worry how I will be making my car payment this month or something else. But when ever I have 'worked' on a business idea I have never really considered it work because I love doing it. I just wish I had some guidance or a mentor to help me along the way.


What do you think should I get a job? or continue making it my way?




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It can take a lot of experience to run your own business, or you could be one of the lucky few that's able to do so without experience. Since experience is generally helpful I would think it a good idea to work for somebody else in the field you want to run your business in to learn how it works and build up a network of contacts.


None of your bill payments mentioned include housing and food. Are you making a realistic evaluation of your bills? If you're living at home or not paying rent or a mortgage for whatever reason and are barely getting by working for yourself then I would suggest at this time it's not a sustainable situation.


A final point, although many of us don't like working for another it shouldn't be the sole reason for running your own business. In essense at some point you will end up working for your customers (be it an internal or external customer) so being able to work effectively for and with people is a skill that is very important for a business owner.

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Yes right now I live at home. It seemed the best time to 'give it a try' I would rather struggle getting by now when I can fall back on my parents if I didnt make it. But I have made everypayment for every bill I have had so far.

I wouldnt want to risk that when I was older, married, maybey had a kid or two. Even with one person working while another spouse tries their hand at starting a business is risky, you are only surviving on one income until the business is off the ground.



Like I have said I have loved every minute of putting these businesses together. My latest try is showing the furthest a long and most successful of what I have tried. It is diffictult because there is no training like when you get a job that explains how you are suposed to do your job, nore is there managers or administrators that you can go to with questions. I like the challenge.

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Hi Jeffie,


It's the perfect opportunity while you are living at home to attempt to run your own business.


I worked for myself for over 10 years and during most of that time i had at least a part-time job too. Most of the time when you are starting a business you will need some cashflow and it is not unusual to work whilst setting it up.


So, yes, i think you should get a part-time job to cover your immediate expenses. My opinion is that you should get something mindless like packing boxes or re-stocking shelves. That way, you will not become psychologically drained and you can use the monotony to think about ways to set up your own business.

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