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Lately the small part right under my right eye has been trembling(kind of ) It's not like obvious or anything and it happens only when I'm home sometimes,but I'm getting worried about this.The movement itself reminds me of heartbeating(but it's like once in 2 seconds).What's wrong with it? The first time I noticed this was after 4 hours of watching TV.Yeah,I use the computer and watch TV very often,also I don't remove all of my eye make-up before I go to sleep,I'm near sighted and wear contacts for 2 years now and I often use eye drops because my eyes are very sensitive and easily get red and stuff from consuming alcohol,getting smoke in the eyes and stuff like that.If you could just tell me this is normal,I'd be calm.I'm just 16 so I didn't expect any problems of this kind

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I get that a lot acutally. Mine varies from very rapid twitching on my bottom right eyelid to exactly what you described about the heartbeat type of feeling.


I wouldn't be to concerned about this at all. Its just a muscle spasim and lots of people get them.


Ask your parents if they've ever felt the same thing, chances are they have!

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It is common, and I am a co-sufferer of this! Not only in the eye, but also muscles in my legs and arms will tremble occasionally, sometimes for longer than a day continuously. It is really annoying, but mostly related to stress and exhaustion. I experienced this all over my body for a while when I was depressed and had a lot of anxiety going on. But also when I quit medication. Sometimes stress is subconscious, but manifests in things like this.



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Your involuntary eye spasms are harmless and it's normal for people to get them after spending long hours in front of the TV or computer because the eyes do get tired. When your eye twitches, it just means that you've taxed the muscles surrounding your eye and need to relax them.


Try taking a hot bath, compressing your eye with a warm or cold washcloth - this will help relax your eye muscles. They go away on their own. But if the twitches become bothersome or persistent, it could mean you have undue stress or other physical or psychological ailments that may need medical attention.


But how you described your case, your eye may just be tired from too much TV or computer time.

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I've had that happen to me before- it lasted a week and then disappeared. It wasn't soemthing that someone else could see when it was happening- but I could feel it


It's pretty annoying but I don't think you need to worry.


If your eyes tear more often or your vision seems to be affected- then get checked out. But if it's just your lower eyelid fluttering and doing it's own thing- it will stop eventually.



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