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Places to go on dates..

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go to a show

farmer's market

go shopping together

go to the grocery store together and then cook a meal together

look at the stars on a nice night

go to an interesting lecture in town

go to a convention you are both interested in (ie, stamp collecting, electronics, etc....)

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-go out with friends, thats what I love doing with the people I date, but i know a lot of interesting people that my boyfriends seem to find fasinating.

-going out for dinner is always fun

-going to the movies

-or any of the suggestions these other people mentioned are great ideas too

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Here's some things my boyfriend and I usually do, particularly in the summertime, which is coming right up. Some of these are perfect outdoor activities, with a couple indoor ones in there as well:


    Out for a walk downtown where they have nice dinner places: particularly the outdoor ones and go to dinner (scenic, nice, usually entertainment and music)

    Comedy show

    Go out for a scenic walk

    Go to an amusement park

    Museums are great: science, art, etc.

    Going to the zoo

    As it warms up, go for a walk along the beach

    A better solution to the movies (which doesn't allow you two to really talk to eachother) is to go out and rent a movie, and put it on in either of your places. Personally, comedies are a good choice as it gets you laughing and talking about all sorts of interesting things.

    Boat rides (there's scenic rides you can take)

    Ice skating (indoors, at this time of year of course)


If I remember any left out, I'll edit this with them.

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