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Life is so difficult. We start out from the get go making decisions that will chose our paths. Hoping we make the correct ones, and learning when we don't.


We are always left wondering the what ifs and going from there.


I am making a life changing decision that after july 1st I will not be able to go back and change it. I just hope its the right one.


I have not been happy in my marriage for years, and it's time I face it and move on.


1 decision was to tell my sons real father about my son, he finally knows.

2 is to leave my husband who is abusive not only mentally but physically.

3 is to decide what i'm going to do once i set number 2 into motion.


I hope soon I will know the why. I know many of you have disagreed with the path I am chosing. But so far it is working out.

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Hope I keep asking you a question which you seem to ignore every time. Would you need a paternity test if you only had sex with 1 man in 3 months time. Or find out 4 weeks later that your 4 weeks pregnant. When he is the only one you have had sex with in 12 weeks or so. No I doubt you will question it. What makes a difference here. But yes I do plan to get it.

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Hope I keep asking you a question which you seem to ignore every time. Would you need a paternity test if you only had sex with 1 man in 3 months time. Or find out 4 weeks later that your 4 weeks pregnant. When he is the only one you have had sex with in 12 weeks or so. No I doubt you will question it. What makes a difference here. But yes I do plan to get it.

It's funny that you keep asking me that, and I've asked you this question repeatedly as well and never gotten an answer. Your son whom you question his paternity is what, 10 years old now, right?


You claim that you and your husband never had sex in the three month window when you conceived. However, without question, your husband accepted that this child was his biological child despite the fact that it would be absolutely impossible if the two of you were not having sex, even once during the time you got pregnant. For 10 years or however old your son is now, your husband has NOT questioned his paternity?


So AGAIN I answer your question with this question. YES I would still get the paternity test, you were married and also having sex with another man while married. Your husband has not questioned his paternity- though I am only guessiing that he has a basic understanding of the way conception works and so must have been mighty suspicious if you indeed got pregnant when you were not sleeping with him.


See why your story just doesn't sound plausible?


See why then maybe you would want to get a paternity test before you virtually destroy your son's life selfishly because you are in love with someone who is IN JAIL for reasons that you do not know?


(we both know that your story of the weapon's charge is not likely- since he has a permit to carry a gun, was in fact a deputy, and you freely admitted on your other post that you agreed that the story you heard why this man was in prison just doesn't fly.)


The only person I feel badly for in this situation is your son- you don't know for certain and seem unwilling to get the paternity test done before taking steps like telling the other man that this is his son (when you don't know). It just seems flippant and selfish.


Are you more concerned with your son's welfare, or your interest in the man with whom you had an affair who is now in prison?


If you want to leave your marriage because your husband is abusive than by all means you should. If you want to investigate the paternity of your child with a test than by all means you should. There is a right way to do this, and a wrong way. An innocent child's well being lies in the balance- YOUR SON'S. WHY would you not want to do things the right way?

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