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i need some input

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Do you miss the good times or the bad ones?

Did the good outweigh the bad or are you trying to keep the relationship in a positive light.


I am sorry for what happened, but YOU deserve better.


It will take time to heal (both on the inside and out)


Just take it one day at a time.


Remember, the person you first meet is not the same person that leaves

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i also feel so much pain because she has been able to just erase me from her heart and head, and i can't do the same.


No one can "just erase" someone else, she probably had a head start getting over you. She got close to you, and used it to knife you when the relatioship went bad.


i miss the amazing, wonderful girl had until 2 years ago.

i know she's still in there, somewhere.

I doubt it bro, move on, you deserve way better.

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I am sorry to say this, but don't dwell on the past. She moved forward and is moving ahead. You need to do the same to heal. Your spirit is broken right now. You can take the high road, let her dig her own hole. You were both involved in the incident. She is putting a whole new spin on the situation to look better. No one wants to be the "bad guy". At this point in time, she is trying to get everyone on her side. Given time, the truth will come out. Look back in history, the truth always comes out.


Pm me if you want to talk ok?

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Whoa sweetie!!!!!!!


Your girl is toxic. She may not mean to be, but somewhere along the line she became incredibly unhappy with herself. You may not have even been the cause of it, but you were definitely there to receive the blows. I can empathize with you. My heart truly aches for your situation.All I cansay is that you can't change who she has become.That wonderful girl you knew 2 years ago may be there somewhere but she needs to want to be that person again.I know how you feel. It hurts to breath. Your friends and those who care about you say negative things about her to try and make you feel better, but all it really does is make you feel guilty for feeling the way you do. I know this sounds cliche but sometimes talking to a therapist really does help. And reaching out like this can't hurt either. Bottom line sweetie,(I think slacker said it right...she got a head start on getting over you)It really sucks. The only thing you can do is wake up every morning, take a breath, try as bloody hard as you can to get through the day. You are going through the grieving process which licks.Eventually, day by day, it will get easier. and who knows how long it will take to feel like you can move on again, but it will happen.Then you will be able to look back and think wow, that was a learning experience.

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Bless your heart. It is so confusing trying to understand how we can still love a person who doesn't love us back. She is unhappy with herself, not you. For some reason her heart was broke (from where ever or whomever) somewhere along the line. She has become dysfuntional and may need the constant turmoil for attention or simply to feel. It is normal to hold on to all the good memories, you don't have to let those go, but you do need to let her go for self preservation. You may miss her a very long time, but one day a wonderful woman is going to give you a fantastic smile that will touch your heart and it will be like a bandaid on your soul.

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I don't think you two love each other. Beating each other up and phoning the cops on one another isn't love. You are addicted to the highs and lows of the relationship, nothing more.


Both of you are not equipped to handle a relationship and should go your separate ways. No contact and therapy will help you get through this.

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