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I hate my life, I should have known

That you'd love her, leave me,


Why I ever thought you'd love me

I, myself, will never know

Drowning in my tears of sorrow

I try not to let it show


I know it's not her fault you love her

But I can't hide my hate for her right now

I've lived in her shadow for as long as I remember

Alone, unloved, yet surviving, somehow


When she told me that you still loved her

I thought I'd die right there and then

The happiness in her voice,

A knife

Cutting through my soul, my skin


I didn't realize how much I loved you

The pain I felt was strong, disabling.

All I could see was the smile on her face

The anger, ripping, tearing, nauseating.


I know I won't stop loving you,


No matter how hard I try

I don't know if I'll ever really

forgive her

I always feel a hate for her inside


Sitting here now, I don't know how to feel -

Sadness, Hatred, Despair

I'm not sure

Why does this always happen to me

This is a pain that no one deserves.


p.s this is all true

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hey listen I have a friend who is a girl who is going through the same thing right now and she is just coping with it day by day. First thing you have to do is forget about the guy and forget about your friend if she did that to you shes a bat and hes a jerk who deserves whats coming to him. Don't let ppl walk on you show that your stronger than that sometimes we have to suck it up and leave it alone I know it hurts but thats love and i'm learning the same thing right now.


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