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can't let go


i have been in love with a guy for 4 years now and now is seeing someone




i have try to forget him like hell i have


want can i do to forget him for good


he is happy and she is happy


and i am happy for him


i am suffering and heartache


but they are happy togerher


and i can't go on anymore

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Oh babe. I know how you feel. I got dumped on thursday but sort of knew it was over last sunday. I can't imagine how you must be feeling still having not got over him.


What you need to do is simple. I am going to do this myself. And I'm going to stick to it.


First of all I'm not going to give myself a hard time. I'm going to allow whatever feeling comes my way to do it's business and I'm going to cry when I need to.


At the moment I'm barely functioning. Today it really hit me. Like a smack in the face. I thought I was doing okay so it's a bit of a shock to realise I'm not. Which is what you're still going through now.


Anyway, I'm then going to do lots of things to keep myself busy. I start a new job, working in a pub at the weekends on friday. I need the extra cash. And it will help me get through the breakup, as well as paying off some debts. I may also meet some new people! Make new friends and increase my social circle.


Then I'm going to think long and hard about why it went wrong. Not being too hard on myself. I'm then going to write this all down. Just to get it on paper and look back at it. To make sense of my thoughts and emotions.


I'm going to do my best to avoid him for the next three weeks and I'm going to spend this time crying and grieving for our loss.


If I'm still crying in three weeks I'll be surprised. But I've heard the pain gets less and less.


Each day I'm going to do something nice for myself. Take a bath, watch an old soppy movie or even just paint my nails. I'm going to avoid other men like the plague as I'm very vulnerable at the moment but I'm going to try and enjoy looking.


I'm also going to do exercise every day to look after myself and tone up a bit.


Then in three months time I know I'll be half way there.


My whole point is that if you don't look at why it didn't work out you'll never move on. You must be honest. He can't have been perfect can he? He must've done some things that annoyed you. Ask yourself if you'd really want HIM back or is it because you're just feeling lonely??


Build up your independence and self-esteem.. Start something new, like a sport or hobby, make new friends because it's so easy to do and don't give yourself a hard time. It's only natural that you still want him but I bet in six months time, if you do all these things, your heart will heal and you'll be ready to allow new love to come back in to your life.


Hopefully babe, we'll get through this. And be better and wiser people for it! xxxxxxx

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