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Whats her problem, she confuses me to the point were i lose my mind

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i dont know really what to say buy my gf sometime expressed deep true love for me and other times it seems like she doesnt give a care in the world, like it seems alot of the time when we are together she doesnt want me to touch her period, i mean what the hell! like the rest of the girls at my school well a lot of them have told me that they are attracted to me and want to be with me but i dont like them and there ready anytime for me but the only girl i want to be with and love wont even let me hold her in anyway! and she says things to me that are borderline joking and serious that really hurt me and she seems to not even care, and the worst part of all this is i cant stop liking her. i dont know what to do i wish i could leave her torment cause it effects everything about me from my sports to how i do in school how i treat my mom cause of my bad way iam in after dealing with her, why is she seem to be sooo cold and everynow and then she just seems to be the sweetest girl alive and seems to love me whats up with her? any opinions this is really driving me into the ground

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It's possible you're overanalyzing. It doesn't sound to me like she's doing anything that bad to you (unless you have something more specific?), and you have said that you really, really like her. And that she likes/loves you too. So I guess I don't see what the problem is. Not most women you're going to meet in your life are going to be totally even keeled, even temperament, all the time, so it's possible you're expectations are not realistic. I think that her personality is what it is, and you have to decide whether or not you like it.


To take a guess at one of your questions, I will say that sometimes, when a female is having her period, she feels really crampy everywhere, sometimes even makes the skin more sensitive, and it can literally hurt to be touched.


On a side note, if i were you I would continue to refrain from bringing up the other female prospects that you have, because you never know there just might be other prospects for her too, and she might not want to hear about it.


So, my advice to you is if it aint broke, don't fix it. Don't go looking for problems where there are none, and as long as she isn't mistreating you, which it really doesn't sound like she is doing, then just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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HEYY im in the same situation as you except that my girlfriend doesnt really show her emotions and girls are saying things to me to... you know what i think it is really... i think its your mind playing tricks on you like it did to me, like i really like my girl too and if you talk it out with her you might get something good outta it good luck!!!

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To take a guess at one of your questions, I will say that sometimes, when a female is having her period, she feels really crampy everywhere, sometimes even makes the skin more sensitive, and it can literally hurt to be touched.



I don't quite think that he was talking about his gf's period though. The word "period", I think, was meant as in "at all"........(could've been clearer if it were "She doesnt want me to touch her; period.")

I might be wrong though.

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Back off a little bit. Give her some space and give yourself some as well. Some chill time gives both of you time to get the things done that really need attention like: your school work, work at home (the things your mother needs done) and your athletics. When these things are tended to, you will feel better about yourself and won't feel so dependent on your gf for affirmation. When you exude confidence, she will feel naturally drawn to you.

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I don't quite think that he was talking about his gf's period though. The word "period", I think, was meant as in "at all"........(could've been clearer if it were "She doesnt want me to touch her; period.")

I might be wrong though.


yeah, I don't think he was talking about it either, but I was, when I was pointing out to him that it might be a reason for her not wanting to touch him (I've known women who do get exactly that way during those first couple of days). Period.

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